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Multi-Encoder + Album Art

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  • flac andor alac

    • Mar 2013
    • 19

    Multi-Encoder + Album Art

    Hi, daft questions most likely. First time attempting to rip a CD...
    I installed dbpoweramp 14.4
    1) I now wish to rip to two formats FLAC and ALAC.
    I therefore also installed the multi encoder.
    Having rebooted and relaunched CD Ripper there is no option to select an additional format ?
    2) ALSO, should I expect to see an image of the album I am ripping ? There isn't one, despite an album being in the drive and the name and tracks are recognised...
    Thanks for any help.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44845

    Re: Multi-Encoder + Album Art

    In CD Ripper there should be an encoder [Multi Encoder]

    not all albums have art, you can click the button next to the art to manually choose an art.


    • flac andor alac

      • Mar 2013
      • 19

      Re: Multi-Encoder + Album Art

      Hey, found it = the 'Rip to' drop down. Selected both formats. Thanks.
      Still have a problem with Album Art though. Dare I say, it is Crossroad - Best of Bon Jovi (!). I have clicked on Review Metadata button and get 'Metadata was not retrieved from the internet (most likely from HDD local cache). Press the Metadata button button to refresh from the internet.' I clicked the Meta button at the top and chose another version from freedb, but that made no difference. Choose Art button tells me that I need Reference or Powerpack ?
      Any ideas ?


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44845

        Re: Multi-Encoder + Album Art

        If under trial, have you ever used any dBpoweramp version previously? Also you should set the account to administrator access rights, run the dBpoweramp configuration program, then set back to a normal user to activate the trial.


        • flac andor alac

          • Mar 2013
          • 19

          Re: Multi-Encoder + Album Art

          Hi, no I have not installed/used dbpoweramp before.
          When I installed it and the multi encoder today, I was logged on as a standard user but ran BOTH exes as administrator.
          That is ok, isn't it?


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44845

            Re: Multi-Encoder + Album Art

            No you have to set the account as admin rights to activate the trial, (running as administrator potentially runs under a different account to the one you have logged on as).


            • flac andor alac

              • Mar 2013
              • 19

              Re: Multi-Encoder + Album Art

              Do I need to
              1) uninstall as standard user
              2) reinstall as administrator
              3) log back on as standard user and try again ?


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44845

                Re: Multi-Encoder + Album Art

                Change the account to admin rights, run dbpoweramp configuration, then change back to standard user, should do it.


                • flac andor alac

                  • Mar 2013
                  • 19

                  Re: Multi-Encoder + Album Art

                  Sorry Spoon, when you say run dbpoweramp configuration, do you mean open and OK to close ? I can not see anything to run as such ?

                  Also, I went to configure DSP Effects and this looks like it needs Power Pack ? This is not available on the free trial version, is it ?


                  • flac andor alac

                    • Mar 2013
                    • 19

                    Re: Multi-Encoder + Album Art

                    Aha, I have tried a different album, and although the artwork does not appear on dbpoweramp, when I look in itunes, it does ! So i ripped the Bon Jovi CD using itunes and aksed itunes to find artwork, and it couldn't. I therefore believe that Bon Jovi CD has no artwork at all. Sorted ! Phew !
                    Second question on DSP Effects still stands. Do I need that, assuming that it is not available on the trial version ?
                    3) Following the setup guide, I have no option to change the 'Ripping Method' to 'Secure', and I am therefore unable to change the 'Secure Settings.'
                    4) I have a 'Rip Status' of 'Accurate 3' for the track I ripped, what does this mean ?
                    Last edited by flac andor alac; March 15, 2013, 12:46 PM.


                    • Spoon
                      • Apr 2002
                      • 44845

                      Re: Multi-Encoder + Album Art

                      >Sorry Spoon, when you say run dbpoweramp configuration, do you mean open and OK to close ?


                      All the options that are unavailable (including album art) are because you have not activated the trial.


                      • flac andor alac

                        • Mar 2013
                        • 19

                        Re: Multi-Encoder + Album Art

                        I think I must have still missed a trick here. I changed my user account from a standard user to administrator. I then logged back on as that user. I clicked on/opened dbpoweramp configuration, and given that there was nothing to run as such, I clicked on OK to close. I then logged off, reverted the user back to standard, and logged back on. What am I doing wrong ? I don't think doing what I have done has actually resulted in any thing ?
                        Do I have to regisrer dbpoweramp ? I have not done this assuming that will be when I wish to purchase it ?


                        • Spoon
                          • Apr 2002
                          • 44845

                          Re: Multi-Encoder + Album Art

                          Create a new account with admin rights, install dBpoweramp into that account for the trial.

                          Purchasing there is no trial, it always runs registered.


                          • flac andor alac

                            • Mar 2013
                            • 19

                            Re: Multi-Encoder + Album Art

                            That worked ! Brilliant !
                            - The options for ReplayGain have now changed from that in the setup guide (now 4 check boxes). I am outputting to simultaneously FLAC and Apple Lossless. Given that one check mentions iTunes, can you confirm what should be checked for each respective format please ?
                            - The next thing I looked at was configuring secure ripping and changing to 'Secure'. I do not know if my cd drive has c2 pointers. I tried a cd and it found no errors. I do not have a cd I can wreck to otherwise verify. In running the cd cache check, it came back with saying it has nothing. I had assumed up until this point that AccurateRip was carrying out some kind of check ? Bearing these things in mind, should I run it with 'Secure', and if so, what is the minimum I should set ? Alternatively, should I simply leave it at the default 'Burst' ?
                            Sorry to carry on with the questions ! Your help is very much appreciated. I want to do this once and once only so would prefer to ensure I am doing it correctly....


                            • garym
                              dBpoweramp Guru

                              • Nov 2007
                              • 5936

                              Re: Multi-Encoder + Album Art

                              just make yourself an audio CD (using a CDR and cdwriter of some sort (itunes, etc.). Then use this to test C2.

                              Regarding Secure, yes, you should use Secure ripping. See this for info on settings:

                              I use under SECURE:

                              enable ultrasecure
                              minimum ultra pass 1
                              maximum ultra pass 2
                              end after clean passes 1
                              vary speed is not ticked

