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Exporting metadata tags to external library/media manager/player

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  • Z0001
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Mar 2011
    • 55

    Exporting metadata tags to external library/media manager/player


    In my ripping strategy i rip securely, then rip unsecurly iv needed, to get a complete interpolated rip, then attempt a robust disc clean (which could damage the disc) and another secure rip. I have found that sometimes discs that did not securely rip using the secure rip profile do seem to rip with 100% Accuraterip verified success using the blast insecure rip profile.

    Am I right in assuming that these blast rips that are 100% verified by Accuraterip are indeed accurate and secure?

    How do I export the Accuraterip metadata tag out of the file to my JRiver Media Center library? Since its not a standard JRiver tag (unlike say, Album or Album Artist). I want to tag my music as accurate or not in my playback and library application.

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44845

    Re: Exporting metadata tags to external library/media manager/player

    If accuraterip verifies then it is 100% correct. As for the burst rip getting AR verification, that is perhaps just chance, as the first pass of a secure rip is burst and AR is checked at the end.

    I am not sure how you can make J River read non-standard tags.

