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Is there a faster way to rip CDs that are not in Accurate Rip?

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  • davetroy

    • Feb 2013
    • 2

    Is there a faster way to rip CDs that are not in Accurate Rip?

    I am in the process of ripping my CD collection which contains several older (mid-1980s) and somewhat obscure CDs that are apparently not in the Accurate Rip database. The ripping of these CDs takes a long time because it goes through two Accurate Rip passes, then two Ultra Secure passes. Ripping a one-hour CD could take upwards of 20-25 minutes.

    Is there a way to safely speed up this process without losing data? Would I bypass those first two passes and go right to Ultra Secure once I establish that a CD is not in Accurate Rip? Can I skip Ultra Secure and assume the Accurate Rip passes were just as secure? I know that sometimes, after Ultra Secure, dbPowerAmp fixes frames, so I don't think I'd want to skip that part. Also, is there a way to tell if a CD is in the Accurate Rip database before starting the ripping process?

    Thanks for your help.

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44847

    Re: Is there a faster way to rip CDs that are not in Accurate Rip?

    If you have a drive which supports c2 pointers well, such as a plextor, then you do not need the ultra passes.


    • davetroy

      • Feb 2013
      • 2

      Re: Is there a faster way to rip CDs that are not in Accurate Rip?

      Originally posted by Spoon
      If you have a drive which supports c2 pointers well, such as a plextor, then you do not need the ultra passes.
      Thanks. It does. So just enable C2 and disable Ultra?



      • Porcus
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Feb 2007
        • 792

        Re: Is there a faster way to rip CDs that are not in Accurate Rip?

        Originally posted by davetroy
        So just enable C2
        You need a drive that supports it. used to be an indication.

        For CDs not in AccurateRip, you have the following options:

        - measures that increase security. That could compensate for multiple re-reads. C2 support is one such. (Paradoxially, it may take longer time with C2 because such a drive is more prone to detect genuine errors. Don't complain! ;-) )

        - more drives and/or measures that speed up. A few drives -- most (?) Plextor's, maybe some others, I would not trust that -- could be told to flush the cache. Without that, a re-read operation must first read so much that the cache is overwritten (otherwise the drive would just fetch the potentially wrong samples from its cache over again).

        - patience! Myself I would happily leave troublesome CDs unattended overnight.

        - measures that automatize the job. User bhoar here is discounting out some CD changer robots, if he has more left:
        Run w/ dbpoweramp and batch ripper only. Used robots for UPS shipping costs (US mainland only). Come with driver for batch ripper in Windows XP. Might work with Vista if you disable UAC and set batch ripper to run as Admin. Might work in Windows 7 in XP mode. Please contact me via email at Offer

