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PerfectTunes changed confidence rating

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  • Gbeer7
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Mar 2011
    • 165

    Re: PerfectTunes changed confidence rating

    Hi porcus, yes the accurate rip rating is in the Id tag of the track. I just have an urge to double check things :(
    I struggle to believe things and always see the worst. I worry that CDs are problem matic and it's just mine. If I had my way I'll have two of everything, but probably be on the street if I did that !


    • garym
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Nov 2007
      • 5936

      Re: PerfectTunes changed confidence rating

      Originally posted by Gbeer7
      Hi porcus, yes the accurate rip rating is in the Id tag of the track. I just have an urge to double check things :(
      If you only double checked things that would be ok. You check things about 100 times and are still worried. ;-)

      p.s. accuraterip is not really a rating, it is a "confidence" match. So this doesn't mean a confidence result of 150 is a "better" rip than a confidence rip of 50 (or 2 for that matter). A rip is either perfect or it is not. The confidence score simply gives you information on how many other people got exactly the same rip as you. Even ONE OTHER PERSON getting the same rip as you on a different computer, with a different drive, with a different copy of the CD is a pretty amazing confirmation.


      • Porcus
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Feb 2007
        • 792

        Re: PerfectTunes changed confidence rating

        Originally posted by Gbeer7
        If I had my way I'll have two of everything
        AccurateRip is better than that. 60 hits? Two would suffice. It would be better than you trying to rip twice, because they would be much closer to independent.
        Last edited by Porcus; July 07, 2012, 02:24 PM.


        • Gbeer7
          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

          • Mar 2011
          • 165

          Re: PerfectTunes changed confidence rating

          That's a good point porcus. Thank you porcus and garym. I know I bang on abit. Are CDs that error prone or is this me again stressing and making something worse that it is?


          • garym
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Nov 2007
            • 5936

            Re: PerfectTunes changed confidence rating

            Originally posted by Gbeer7
            That's a good point porcus. Thank you porcus and garym. I know I bang on abit. Are CDs that error prone or is this me again stressing and making something worse that it is?
            I have close to 10,000 CDs. Only a tiny percentage have any problems in ripping. And this includes CDs that I've had for 25 years and were thrown around in the car for years, stacked up outside the boxes, and generally mistreated. You are overthinking, overstressing, and over worrying about your rips and CDs. But you already know that.


            • Gbeer7
              dBpoweramp Enthusiast

              • Mar 2011
              • 165

              Re: PerfectTunes changed confidence rating

              Yes I am. I'm making myself Ill over them. To the point I can't rest until everything is perfect.


              • Porcus
                dBpoweramp Guru

                • Feb 2007
                • 792

                Re: PerfectTunes changed confidence rating

                Originally posted by Gbeer7
                Are CDs that error prone or is this me again stressing and making something worse that it is?
                Guess once

                There are lots of scratched CDs around, but two CDs that are scratched to the point of error, will not be ripped to the same signal. That is, if two physical CDs rip to the same signal, then there are (with probability 99.lotsofnines percent) no such errors. That is the beauty of AccurateRip: rather than merely 'secure' reading of the same CD over and over again, you compare to someone else's rip of a different physical copy.

                Now as garym points out, the big improvement is _one_ other rip agreeing with you. Whether 20 or 200 do, that doesn't really matter: the 20 vs 200 is down to how many did rip and submit (and thus, ultimately down to the popularity of the artist and release). If you buy a CD which only one other person in the entire world has bought and ripped, and your rip agrees -- well, that is accurate. With a capital A.

                And the reason for the cross-pressing verification (that 'offset' thing) is not to give you 50 agreements in place of 10. It is to help you find _one_ match which could otherwise go unnoticed. One match from a different pressing, that is Accurate.
                Last edited by Porcus; July 07, 2012, 02:43 PM.


                • Gbeer7
                  dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                  • Mar 2011
                  • 165

                  Re: PerfectTunes changed confidence rating

                  So generally most CDs rip fine just the odd percent that don't adnin stressing about something that doesn't need it.
                  So it's impossible for a scratched cd with an error to get in the database and for a another cd to match that error ?


                  • garym
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • Nov 2007
                    • 5936

                    Re: PerfectTunes changed confidence rating

                    Originally posted by Gbeer7
                    So generally most CDs rip fine just the odd percent that don't adnin stressing about something that doesn't need it.
                    Yes, Yes, and Yes. And you either need to believe what we are telling you, or you need to go buy 200 copies of all disks, and 200 different computers to rip them on an create your own personal version of AccurateRip.


                    • Gbeer7
                      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                      • Mar 2011
                      • 165

                      Re: PerfectTunes changed confidence rating

                      I do trust you both, honest. My brain will always come up with another "what if" question.


                      • garym
                        dBpoweramp Guru

                        • Nov 2007
                        • 5936

                        Re: PerfectTunes changed confidence rating

                        Originally posted by Gbeer7
                        I do trust you both, honest. My brain will always come up with another "what if" question.
                        here's a whatif for you: based on the accuraterip data you've reported on your rips, there is a greater chance that an army of giant winged creatures from another solar system take over the world tomorrow and make me King of Earth than of your rips being bad. So worry about that after I become King, I might limit ownership of Beatles CDs.... ;-)


                        • Gbeer7
                          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                          • Mar 2011
                          • 165

                          Re: PerfectTunes changed confidence rating

                          Ha ha, I see the point you are making
                          So what was the chap earlier meaning about "bad rips" getting in the database ?


                          • garym
                            dBpoweramp Guru

                            • Nov 2007
                            • 5936

                            Re: PerfectTunes changed confidence rating

                            edit: one more: Your questions remind me of something I saw in either an old movie or TV commercial. A dorky guy is asking a beautiful girl out on a date. She turns him down and says, "I wouldn't go out with you unless you were the last man on earth." He responds, "So, you are saying there is a chance then?"
                            Last edited by garym; July 07, 2012, 03:02 PM.


                            • Gbeer7
                              dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                              • Mar 2011
                              • 165

                              Re: PerfectTunes changed confidence rating

                              Sounds about right !

                              So what was the chap earlier meaning about "bad rips" getting in the database ?


                              • garym
                                dBpoweramp Guru

                                • Nov 2007
                                • 5936

                                Re: PerfectTunes changed confidence rating

                                Originally posted by Gbeer7
                                Sounds about right !

                                So what was the chap earlier meaning about "bad rips" getting in the database ?
                                I have no idea, I don't care, and it is irrelevant for you (and me). What if some guy went around with a single bad CD, ripped it 10 times on 10 different computers and at each rip, submitted this to Accuraterip. Then he sells this actual CD to you. You rip it on your computer and it comes back as Accurate with confidence 10. But the rip is not accurarate, because your bad rip matches the databases bad rip. So this is an example of Accuraterip failing to work. But for this scenario to even exist, there would be no other submitters of this CD (with correct rips), etc. etc. In other words, the odds of this happening are about the same as me sprouting wings today and flying around the world under my own power!

