The mac version does not currently have Rip as One.
That will be why then - It's a shame as that mean i have to rip on the windows machine, upload to dropbox and download again on the mac. (I'm no good with network sharing... I tried)
Peripherally related to the original thread, what about efforts to rip HDCD files as one? I have a few, and might need this ability.
Since HDCD is a DSP, I assume ripping as one file would come out as the default 16 bit audio, as opposed to 24 bit (as is necessary to have the benefit of HDCD's 20 bit dynamic range). And, accordingly, setting the system to convert to 24 bit audio won't result in capturing those crucial extra 4 bits of dynamics. I have concerns for this as, even with 44.1 kHz sampling rate, I can still hear a difference with HDCD audio over 16 bit.