I seem to be hitting a limit on my understanding. This is what I want to achieve:
Normal Album
Artist - Album Diskno \ Track Title
So Folder = Elton John - Blue Moves
Sub folder = 01 - Holiday
That I can achieve with the relatively simple naming:
[artist] - [album]\[track]-[title]
Compilation Albums
Various Artists\Album diskno \ Track Title Artisit
So Various Artists folder Folder = The Best Album in the World Disk1
Sub Folder = 01 - Wannabe - Spice Girls
This I can achieve with this naming:
Various Artists\[album]\[track] - [title] - [artist]
So far so good. Now I want the software to automatically recognise compilations and do the above. This is the string I have:
[IFCOMP][]Various Artists\[album]\[track]-[title] - [artist][IF!COMP][artist] - [album][]\[track] - [title][track]
What it fails to do is to recognise the differences. It is dealing with compilations correctly, but it is also treating non compilations in the same way.
I have checked and the compilation box is not ticked when the error is made. I guess it is something I have done in the string, but it is not obvious to me.
Help please ????
Normal Album
Artist - Album Diskno \ Track Title
So Folder = Elton John - Blue Moves
Sub folder = 01 - Holiday
That I can achieve with the relatively simple naming:
[artist] - [album]\[track]-[title]
Compilation Albums
Various Artists\Album diskno \ Track Title Artisit
So Various Artists folder Folder = The Best Album in the World Disk1
Sub Folder = 01 - Wannabe - Spice Girls
This I can achieve with this naming:
Various Artists\[album]\[track] - [title] - [artist]
So far so good. Now I want the software to automatically recognise compilations and do the above. This is the string I have:
[IFCOMP][]Various Artists\[album]\[track]-[title] - [artist][IF!COMP][artist] - [album][]\[track] - [title][track]
What it fails to do is to recognise the differences. It is dealing with compilations correctly, but it is also treating non compilations in the same way.
I have checked and the compilation box is not ticked when the error is made. I guess it is something I have done in the string, but it is not obvious to me.
Help please ????