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Several question for AccurateRip

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  • sldvd

    • Aug 2010
    • 15

    Re: Several question for AccurateRip

    Originally posted by Spoon
    Your bad results only effect you, as someone else would not have the exact error you have.
    If he submits bad results to AR, how does AR know they are bad, if he is the first person to submit for that CD? If someone else later rips the exact same CD, could they get "X AR(1)" since it doesn't match the bad results that were already submitted?


    • EliC
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • May 2004
      • 1175

      Re: Several question for AccurateRip

      Originally posted by sldvd
      If he submits bad results to AR, how does AR know they are bad, if he is the first person to submit for that CD? If someone else later rips the exact same CD, could they get "X AR(1)" since it doesn't match the bad results that were already submitted?
      You are correct.
      If you get "X AR(1)" you can NOT use AR to confirm that your rip is not accurate. In fact AR can never tell you with 100% accuracy that your rip is not accurate, only when your rip IS accurate.


      • LtData
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • May 2004
        • 8288

        Re: Several question for AccurateRip

        However, if you get one or two tracks that give you an "X" with a number above 2-3, you could be confident that your rip is inaccurate. If all of the tracks are inaccurate, you have a different pressing.


        • biggles
          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

          • Jul 2010
          • 60

          Originally posted by EliC
          You are correct.
          If you get "X AR(1)" you can NOT use AR to confirm that your rip is not accurate. In fact AR can never tell you with 100% accuracy that your rip is not accurate, only when your rip IS accurate.
          Nope, you can't trust AR with 100% accuracy when your rip is reported as accurate, if you've ever previously attempted to rip that disc, and the confidence level is at or below the number of times you've previously tried to rip it, if you attempted rips about a month apart, and if you reported any results at any time. Clear?

          Since few people, if any, keep a database of how many times and when they've tried to rip discs or how many attempts they've tried to deal with troublesome discs, it is unlikely that one can trust accuraterip for any re-rips of troubled discs if you report your rip results regularly to the AR database.

          For re-rips or troublesome discs, the only current way to trust accuraterip when it says a rip is accurate is to stop reporting any results to the AR database, or perform all re-rips within a time window of about 30 days to out-race the recognition of your rip reports in the database. The latter will ony work if you never rip the disc again.

          I still think it'll be easier to allow people to screen out bad rips from reporting than to keep track of the very complex conditions to validate AR results for re-rips. I thought the whole point of AR was to allow people to figure out if they had good or bad results without a lot of drama, so I look forward to the time when AR works in a very simple way for re-rips.
          Last edited by biggles; October 25, 2010, 05:23 PM.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44845

            Re: Several question for AccurateRip

            >times you've previously tried to rip i

            Only 1 submission per computer is accepted.


            • Cynic

              • Sep 2010
              • 6

              Re: Several question for AccurateRip

              I also have several questions about AccurateRip and this seems as good a thread as any to ask them all.

              > Only 1 submission per computer is accepted.

              How is a computer defined? If I wipe my hard drive and install Windows and dBPoweramp/EAC from scratch, will I be assigned a new computer ID? What if I change my hardware but keep the OS installation intact? Is there a way to keep the same ID indefinitely, no matter what other changes are made to the hardware/software configuration?

              Is there a list somewhere of all applications that are allowed to submit results to the AR database?

              I assume the computer ID is the same regardless of what software is used to send the results to the AR database, because if I rip a 10 track disc with EAC first and then with dBPA, the submission dialogue tells me I'm reporting 2 discs and 20 tracks. Supposing I get a set of AR CRCs with one program and a different set with the other, which will be chosen for submission? Or will all of them be submitted and remain in limbo until someone else submits CRCs matching one of my sets?

              If I rip a CD today and submit the results immediately, then re-rip 6 months from now, getting different CRCs and submitting them again, will the new results overwrite my previous submission? Assuming my first submission was only "confirmed" by one other user and thus only had a confidence count of 2 in the database, would my more recent results send the older ones into limbo?


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44845

                Re: Several question for AccurateRip

                > will I be assigned a new computer ID?

                Yes, only wiping Windows will create a new ID.

                Only EAC and dBpoweramp do submissions they both use the same ID.

                New submissions overwrite old.


                • Cynic

                  • Sep 2010
                  • 6

                  Re: Several question for AccurateRip

                  Thanks for the answers.

                  > Yes, only wiping Windows will create a new ID

                  Is there any way at all to recover the ID (by backing up registry keys or whatever) even after wiping the OS? Would the procedure described here restore the computer ID?


                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44845

                    Re: Several question for AccurateRip

                    Yes it should do.


                    • sldvd

                      • Aug 2010
                      • 15

                      Re: Several question for AccurateRip

                      Originally posted by Spoon
                      Yes, only wiping Windows will create a new ID.
                      I looked at the other thread that Cynic posted, and it says all the dbPa settings are in (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Illustrate) and %appdata%\dbpoweramp.

                      So is the Computer ID per user? That is, if I have an Administrator account and a limited user account on my system, will both of them have the same Computer ID, or will they have different Computer IDs?


                      • sldvd

                        • Aug 2010
                        • 15

                        Re: Several question for AccurateRip

                        Originally posted by sldvd
                        So is the Computer ID per user? That is, if I have an Administrator account and a limited user account on my system, will both of them have the same Computer ID, or will they have different Computer IDs?
                        I was able to look into this just now, and different user accounts on the same computer will have different Computer IDs. So you'll need to keep that in mind in case you end up ripping the same CD under different user accounts and submit the results from those accounts.

                        But it looks like limited users can only run in Burst mode (my limited user cannot even select Secure mode - it is disabled), so I'm not sure why anyone would want to run dbPa in a non-Administrator account.


                        • sldvd

                          • Aug 2010
                          • 15

                          Re: Several question for AccurateRip

                          I am looking thru old posts, and found this one from early 2008:

                          Originally posted by Spoon
                          Yes each submission has a record, resubmissions are dropped, not replaced.
                          Has that been changed in the latest AccurateRip implementation, because the following was posted earlier in this thread:
                          Originally posted by Spoon
                          New submissions overwrite old.


                          • Spoon
                            • Apr 2002
                            • 44845

                            Re: Several question for AccurateRip

                            It was rewritten about 1 year ago.

