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Several question for AccurateRip

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  • pAyAso

    • May 2009
    • 4

    Several question for AccurateRip

    If AccurateRip shows "No tracks could be verified as accurate", why still shows "You may have a different pressing from the one(s) in the database"?

    How does AccurateRip determine which one a CD is? Depend on CRC or something else?

    I wanna sent the CD ripping data to complete AccurateRip's database, but I notice "It is recommended data is submitted no sooner than once a month".
    This means AccurateRip can store the ripping data until you send them, right?

    Wish for the answers, thanks a lot and sorry for my terrible English:blush:
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Several question for AccurateRip

    A different pressing would potentially not match anything in the database.

    AR on your computer can store results as long as you want.


    • EliC
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • May 2004
      • 1175

      Re: Several question for AccurateRip

      Is there a reason AR doesn't auto-submit at the end of a rip. I bet that a lot of rip data is lost because many users do their ripping, then may not start up the ripper for a long time, if ever.


      • pAyAso

        • May 2009
        • 4

        Re: Several question for AccurateRip

        Thanks a lot to Spoon!

        But I'm still a little confused about how does AccurateRip database distinguish various CDs? Depend on CRC or something else?

        For example:
        I extract a CD(The Curse of the Black Pearl Soundtrack) with AccurateRip, and how does AccurateRip database know the CD I extract is "The Curse of the Black Pearl Soundtrack"?


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44844

          Re: Several question for AccurateRip

          CDs are identified on the TOC (track lengths).


          • pAyAso

            • May 2009
            • 4

            Re: Several question for AccurateRip

            Is it possible that the different CDs have the same "TOC (track lengths)"?
            Is it possible that the different pressings have the same "TOC (track lengths)"?
            Thank Spoon for replying!


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44844

              Re: Several question for AccurateRip



              • pAyAso

                • May 2009
                • 4

                Re: Several question for AccurateRip

                If my pressing is different from the one in database, the result shows "You may have a different pressing from the one(s) in the database", even though they have the same "TOC (track lengths)". Is that right?

                But if 2 different album CDs have the same "TOC (track lengths)", and they are all stored in database, how does AccurateRip deel with it?

                Thanks to Spoon for your patience!!!


                • Spoon
                  • Apr 2002
                  • 44844

                  Re: Several question for AccurateRip

                  AccurateRip is able to store any number of pressings side by side, not effecting the other ones.


                  • sldvd

                    • Aug 2010
                    • 15

                    Re: Several question for AccurateRip

                    I just found this thread, after having ripped a 24 track CD where all 24 tracks say that the rip was secure but it does not agree with AccurateRip. I guess that means I have a different pressing.

                    Originally posted by Spoon
                    AccurateRip is able to store any number of pressings side by side, not effecting the other ones.
                    Does this mean that I am the first person who has ripped my particular pressing? I just submitted my rip results to AR, so what happens when someone else with my particular pressing does a rip? Will they get 24 AR mismatches like I did, or will they get 24 "Accurate(1)" messages because it matches my results?


                    • biggles
                      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                      • Jul 2010
                      • 60

                      Re: Several question for AccurateRip

                      On a related note, if I submit my ripping results to AR and some of the results contain rips I'm not happy or done with, when I re-rip later, will my later rip be compared to my previous AR submission and falsely report as an Accurate Rip with a match of 1?


                      • Spoon
                        • Apr 2002
                        • 44844

                        Re: Several question for AccurateRip

                        Two people would have to submit the same disc before the results of the new pressing appear.

                        Submissions take about 1 month to appear, if you have submitted a disc previously then you should only rely on Confidence of 2 or more, otherwise it could be your result.


                        • biggles
                          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                          • Jul 2010
                          • 60

                          that's very helpful to know. Unfortunately, this explains why I have bad rips that were reported as "accurate" - I set them aside after the first bad rip, submitted results to the AR database, and then re-ripped them several weeks later and got what I now understand to be a match to my previous bad rip.

                          Any way you can let us review and select what is submitted to teh Ar database with a checkbox or something next to the reported rip result before we sent it? I like Accuraterip, but especially since many of us re-rip bad discs weeks apart, there are likely many bad AR results we users can help prevent from getting into the database.


                          • Spoon
                            • Apr 2002
                            • 44844

                            Re: Several question for AccurateRip

                            Your bad results only effect you, as someone else would not have the exact error you have.


                            • biggles
                              dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                              • Jul 2010
                              • 60

                              Re: Several question for AccurateRip

                              Good point, but for that reason I don't see why I should ever submit results to the database untill we can screen out our own known bad results.

                              So I won't.

                              This is not a punishment, but in my best interests given the incentives. I'm not going to create a separate personal database to figure out when confidence of 1 is good enough, and I won't punish myself by only trusting results with a confidence of 2 or more.

                              Things like the AR database work best when everyone has an incentive to make it better, so please address this as a high priority. I have lots of discs I re-ripped weeks apart (and I faithfully submitted all results), and this explains why I have audible issues on discs reported as "accurate" with confidence of 1.

                              It pains me to conclude what I did above, and I love your products and the tremendous support, so please take it to heart for future AccurateRip improvements.

