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Error ripping to FLAC, no error ripping same file to wav

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  • bluearrow

    • Jul 2008
    • 4

    Error ripping to FLAC, no error ripping same file to wav


    I am ripping my entire CD colletion to FLAC. So far everything is fine. However, some tracks render an error and a small file is created (10-20 kb). The error always happen in the same tracks from several different CDs. It happens in about 1% of the total tracks. The CDs are in pristine condition, play fine in a CD player, and rip fine to wav using the same hardware and software (dbPowerAmp).

    I can easily convert the wav to flac, but some tag information is missing in the way (wav does not use the same tags as flac).

    I am sure is not a hardware or CD problem, neither seems to be and error in the compression step. If not: why would it always rip fine to wav? why would it convert fine from wav to flac? It seems an error linked to some step in the flac process, maybe related to something in the tracks characteristics, though I have not found a patter among the tracks.

    Any ideas on how to solve it?

    dbPowerAmp version: 13.1
    FLAC: release 13.1 v1.2.1
    All latest codecs installed
    OS: XP SP3
    Ultra Secure ripping, AccurateRip verified, Passes 2/4/2, Clear Read Cache, C2 error pointers, Mark track as error if insecure, Secure rip abort after 1 unrecoverable frame
    Player: LG Super Multi DVD rewriter GH20NS15

    Last edited by bluearrow; March 11, 2009, 06:46 PM.
  • eboyer93
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Apr 2008
    • 69

    Re: Error ripping to FLAC, no error ripping same file to wav

    Try reinstalling the flac codec from codec central.


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44844

      Re: Error ripping to FLAC, no error ripping same file to wav

      >Secure rip abort after 1 unrecoverable frame

      Is the ripper showing that the track was insecure?

