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  • udobenliedivana
    started a topic Error while ripping a song

    Error while ripping a song

    I'm trying to rip my newly bought Miles Davis - Agharta.

    Upon ripping the second CD, dbpoweramp throws this error:
    Information converting to FLAC, 'Track 2' to '/Users/ivannedyalkov/Music/MIles Davis/Agharta/02 Miles Davis - Theme From Jack Johnson [Live at Festival Hall, Osaka,
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    Last edited by udobenliedivana; January 28, 2024, 04:17 PM.

  • Perksy
    started a topic New error across all tracks

    New error across all tracks

    I've been using CD ripper successfuly for some months now, catalguing my CD collection.
    All of a sudden I get an entire album full or error messages on any rip.
    I've so far tried multiple CD, a second CD drive, and have just updated dBPoweramp all to no avail

    Everytime a...
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  • Hcat
    started a topic Tracks have "Error", log says "Passed Verification"

    Tracks have "Error", log says "Passed Verification"


    I am unable to get a CD ripped with all the tracks exhibiting the following error:

    At the same time the log shows:

    How do I get the tracks ripped? They get deleted automtically after all the tracks of the CD have "errors"...
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  • PapaNinjago
    started a topic Error Converting Video Without Audio

    Error Converting Video Without Audio


    I am trying to convert a WMV file to MP4. The WMV file does not have audio. When I tried to convert using MP4 (copy, no encoding) with Audio Stream: Copy 1:1 From Source, the following appears:

    Error converting to MP4 (copy, no encoding), 'C:\Temp\Video.wmv' to 'C:\Temp\Video.mp4'...
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  • MiguelAngel763
    started a topic Error en la compra de licencias

    Error en la compra de licencias

    Hola, querĂ­a comprar una licencia familiar de - dBpoweramp Music Converter & CD Ripper - Reference R17
    - dBpoweramp Video Converter
    - Video Converter Premier R2, Family Pack [Windows] ...
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  • Couldn't Delete File / Error decoder appears to have frozen

    So I found a disc with WMA files that I made 15-20 years ago but for some reason I wasn't able to play the files either with Windows Media Player or VLC due to a DRM issue. I made this disc using the Windows Backup Program, backing up my Music folder, with files that I ripped using Windows Media Player...
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  • no1funkyguy
    started a topic Unable to read CD, check CD disc

    Unable to read CD, check CD disc

    Hi all,

    I've been using dBpoweramp to rip my audiobook collection to my hard drive, and it's proving very useful, way better than the way I used to do it with iTunes.

    However, one disc that I'm trying to rip right now is throwing up something strange: when I insert the...
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  • All 320K MP3s Display as 40K MP3s; Want to Use/Keep Existing Tags in Asset UPnP Libra


    I'm a new registered user of Asset UPnP using WIndows 10 Pro (latest updates). Trying to resolve two (2) issues encountered after Asset UPnP's initial library scan of my music collection.

    1. After scanning a large collection of MP3s (all encoded at 320K), rather...
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  • dftf
    started a topic How to convert WavPack (.WV) files

    How to convert WavPack (.WV) files

    Just posting this here as it might help other people.

    I had an album that was in WavPack format (.wv) files, and installed the WavPack codec from Codec Central.
    However, dBpoweramp was unable to convert any of them with the following error:
    Error converting to <target
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  • HiPresto
    started a topic Error no encoder specified [ParseCommandLine]

    Error no encoder specified [ParseCommandLine]

    Trying out the program, and I keep getting this error randomly. Everything seems to be going along fine, then one or several tracks come up with this error. And there is no getting around it. I have tried to re-rip, changed the encoder, then changed it back again as suggested in another thread. Downed...
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  • dyneq
    started a topic Error unable to open File...for writing.

    Error unable to open File...for writing.

    Running Release 16.6 and getting the following error when I attempt to rip to a local drive with 2.5TB free space:

    Things I have tried:
    - Manually created a folder and text file in the destination path/folder successfully
    - Ran CD Ripper as admin
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  • "Error writing audio data to stdin pipe" with all aac files

    I'm doing a bulk multi-conversion that includes (and must include) several different AAC files, in LC mode and HEv2 as well as M4A. I've been successfully making these exact same conversions for over a year, but suddenly the AACs are all failing, giving the error message:

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  • southwestsam
    started a topic Configuring AccurateRip

    Configuring AccurateRip

    I have ripped probably 30-40 CDs using CD Ripper - every time I insert a disk it prompts me to configure AccurateRip using the audio CD and every time I get an error message saying:

    "This Key Disc cannot be used for offset detection it does not match the AccurateRip stored disc,...
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  • Using Old Profiles May Not Work After Rebuilding Your PC

    It took awhile, but I finally figured this out. Mostly by reading some of the threads here, and by remembering some old standby troubleshooting insights. By way of introduction, I've been lurking here off-and-on for years, but only recently decided to use dbPowerAmp to rip ALL of my CDs.
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  • Won't RIP, Just constant ERROR on every track. Tried 2 drives

    Been using Poweramp CD Ripper for about a year. Have ripped approx 200 CD's all worked perfectly. Not used the ripper for about 4/5 months.
    Tried to RIP some new CD's today and instantly every track just comes up with the red cross and Error. Nothing is ripped as all tracks fail.
    I tried...
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