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Meta-data not working

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  • bluearrow

    • Jul 2008
    • 4

    Re: Meta-data not working

    Originally posted by wolster
    ...why is something in my system blocking the retrieval of the metadata in dbpoweramp when it doesn't block retrieval for any other CD software? To me that puts the fault at the dbpoweramp end. But glad to be proved wrong if the thing can be fixed.
    You are right! I am experiencing exactly the same problem. Erratic behaviour from dbPoweramp retrieving metadata. Sometimes you get it, most times you don't. I have also 3 different programs running along using the same database server to retrieve the data. They work fine. It is just dbPoweramp.

    One curiosity: most times, the automatic retrieval (Perfect MetaData) returns nothing. However, sometimes (not always) manually selecting Music Brainz, freedborg or whatever else renders the correct album and track names. This should not happen, as Perfect Metadata is suppossed to automatically use those sites for information retrieval, shouldn't it? Maybe those sites are blocking dbpoweramp.

    I am completly sure this issue has nothing to do with Internet connection (running fine) or firewall (disabled). Other programs are able to retrieve the date from the same sites. Maybe a bug in the software?

    For your info:

    dbpoweramp version: 13
    os: Windows XP
    location: europe (spain)
    firewall: hardware (disabled during the tests)
    antivirus: NOD32 (disabled during the tests)
    ping response: OK (191ms TTL: 109)
    tracert: OK (20 hops, 193 ms to reach


    • LtData
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • May 2004
      • 8288

      Re: Meta-data not working

      Problems like this normally lie with either ISP or software on the computer. Most times, there is something that is altering the packets that are being sent/received and AMG doesn't like that and therefore doesn't return any meta-data.

      Do you use a proxy server to get on the Internet?


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44847

        Re: Meta-data not working

        Wolster please drop me an email:


