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Track renaming: Advantage of prepending track* to track title?

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  • BriGood

    • Apr 2019
    • 18

    Track renaming: Advantage of prepending track* to track title?

    My legacy music library does not include the track number or artist in the MP3 filename, so my filenames end up like 'Let It Be.MP3' in the 'Beatles' and 'Let It Be' artist and album folder hierarchy. I notice that the default dbpoweramp ripping configuration generates a more complex filename composed of track number, artist, and title.

    I'm trying to decide whether the complex filename is necessary. I can see how having the artist would be important for albums containing works from multiple artists, but is the track* only for purposes of maintaining consistency between the file display and CD order?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Track renaming: Advantage of prepending track* to track title?

    It depends on your player(s). Some present by filename and if you wanted playback in order you would need track number first.


    • BriGood

      • Apr 2019
      • 18

      Re: Track renaming: Advantage of prepending track* to track title?

      Makes sense. Thanks, Spoon.

