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Large Scale Batch Convert

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  • David W
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Oct 2011
    • 61

    Large Scale Batch Convert

    I am thinking of converting my AIFF music library to FLAC in order to accommodate some potential new hardware limitations. Due to the size of my AIFF library and limited space on my NAS drrive, I'd like to know if I can select a group of folders (i.e., A to C, D to G, etc.) with a few clicks or do I have to select each folder in the range?

    Also embedded in some of the folders are PDF liner notes. When I do the batch covert, is there a way for me to automatically copy over these non-music files. Presume not and I will have to manually copy from source to destination.
  • mville
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Dec 2008
    • 4023

    Re: Large Scale Batch Convert

    What platform/OS is dBpoweramp Music Converter installed?


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44847

      Re: Large Scale Batch Convert

      You would be best creating new folders called


      and drag into these folders the artists you want to convert in one go. Then use Batch Converter to select the single folder containing all artists.

      There is the DSP effect 'Folder.jpg' preserve, you can set .pdf in there.


      • David W
        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

        • Oct 2011
        • 61

        Re: Large Scale Batch Convert

        Thanks, that worked and was really pleased with the DSP that moved my PDF liner notes to the target folders. However, there was one issue that I was surprised to see. Each of my AIFF files have a disc number-track number prefix (1-01 Title1, 1-02 Title2, etc.) but that didn't carry over during the batch conversion.

        Here is a screenshot of the AIFF files:
        Click image for larger version

Name:	AIFF.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	90.8 KB
ID:	293737

        and the converted FLAC files:
        Click image for larger version

Name:	FLAC.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	89.7 KB
ID:	293739

        I can run the Arrange Audio codec for the converted files, but it seems that disc number-track number prefix should carry over. Any throughts?
        Attached Files


        • mville
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Dec 2008
          • 4023

          Re: Large Scale Batch Convert

          When converting to flac, what did you enter/select in the Output To box?


          • David W
            dBpoweramp Enthusiast

            • Oct 2011
            • 61

            Re: Large Scale Batch Convert

            So I ran a few more tests and understand what you may be asking.

            When I select my output location as Folder, the disc number-track number prefix is preserved:
            Click image for larger version

Name:	Folder.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	93.1 KB
ID:	293740

            When I select Dynamic, but the same location, the disc number-track number prefix is wiped:
            Click image for larger version

Name:	Dynamic.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	93.0 KB
ID:	293741

            However, I really need Dynamic for a large-scale conversion or run I'll need to run the Arrange Audio codec afterward.


            • mville
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • Dec 2008
              • 4023

              Re: Large Scale Batch Convert

              What version of dBpoweramp Music Converter do you have installed?

              If you use Dynamic Naming use Add Property >> Source Filename ([origfilename]).
              Last edited by mville; November 17, 2017, 11:28 AM. Reason: added more help


              • mville
                dBpoweramp Guru

                • Dec 2008
                • 4023

                Re: Large Scale Batch Convert

                Originally posted by David W
                When I select Dynamic, but the same location, the disc number-track number prefix is wiped:
                Yes. That is because you only have [title], in the dynamic filename.


                • mville
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • Dec 2008
                  • 4023

                  Re: Large Scale Batch Convert

                  Originally posted by David W
                  I really need Dynamic for a large-scale conversion or run I'll need to run the Arrange Audio codec afterward.
                  Please can you describe the folder structure for your AIFF files, maybe post a full pathname/filename of one of your files?


                  • David W
                    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                    • Oct 2011
                    • 61

                    Re: Large Scale Batch Convert

                    Originally posted by mville
                    Please can you describe the folder structure for your AIFF files, maybe post a full pathname/filename of one of your files?

                    Originally posted by mville
                    What version of dBpoweramp Music Converter do you have installed?

                    If you use Dynamic Naming use Add Property >> Source Filename ([origfilename]).
                    Sorry for being missing in action for a few weeks. Once I plugged in the [origfilename], my file naming convention was preserved. However, it took a full day to convert just the "A" portion of my library so I will have to rethink this strategy. What I found surprising was that running the batch converter on a both a new MS Surface Pro 4 and a 2011 Mac Book Pro, the Mac was far faster than the Surface. I would have thought the opposite due to the age of the hardware and software.

                    My AIFF file path, for what it's worth, is:
                    \\DISKSTATION\music\Ahmad Jamal\The Complete Ahmad Jamal Trio Argo Sessions; 1956-1962\1-03 How About You
                    --NAS------------Folder---Artist--------Album------------------------------------------------------------File name (where I ran the Arrange Audio utility to add disc-track number)-----


                    • David W
                      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                      • Oct 2011
                      • 61

                      Re: Large Scale Batch Convert

                      Originally posted by David W
                      Sorry for being missing in action for a few weeks. Once I plugged in the [origfilename], my file naming convention was preserved. However, it took a full day to convert just the "A" portion of my library so I will have to rethink this strategy. What I found surprising was that running the batch converter on a both a new MS Surface Pro 4 and a 2011 Mac Book Pro, the Mac was far faster than the Surface. I would have thought the opposite due to the age of the hardware and software.

                      My AIFF file path, for what it's worth, is:
                      \\DISKSTATION\music\Ahmad Jamal\The Complete Ahmad Jamal Trio Argo Sessions; 1956-1962\1-03 How About You
                      --NAS------------Folder---Artist--------Album------------------------------------------------------------File name (where I ran the Arrange Audio utility to add disc-track number)-----
                      Well, I am trying this again. It will take awhile, but I need to do this. Since my last time, I have upgraded to dbPoweramp 16.2 (OSX) and I can't follow the directions that I thought I knew with this new version. Gudiance please. Thanks.
                      Last edited by David W; April 03, 2018, 01:15 AM. Reason: Please delete post. I resolved this issue.


                      • David W
                        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                        • Oct 2011
                        • 61

                        Re: Large Scale Batch Convert

                        Nope, not resolved. I have been doing this for a few days. Using the OS X version, I dragged and dropped all artists beginning with A into an A folder, B into a B folder, etc. I'm using Batch Converter and the A artists took a good part of the day, but the B artists (5718 files) have taken ~20 hours and the end is in sight, but my Mac/NAS conversion is running painfully slow. Thoughts about reliabiiltiy (always the most imporatant) and improvements on speed- such as converting smaller batches? I'm thinking short term, abort once I see the Sringsteen has been converted, and then continue with all artists following Springsteen for the rest of the B (first name) artists.

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen Shot 2018-04-04 at 5.29.54 AM.png
Views:	1
Size:	81.1 KB
ID:	293882


                        • Dat Ei
                          dBpoweramp Guru

                          • Feb 2014
                          • 1812

                          Re: Large Scale Batch Convert

                          Maybe it is no good idea to start the conversion for the files hosted on your NAS, because your NAS and/or your network is the bottleneck.

                          Dat Ei

