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Replicating CD Ripper settings in Batch Converter

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  • sheptastic

    • May 2014
    • 12

    Replicating CD Ripper settings in Batch Converter

    Using Batch Ripper and CD Ripper, I recently ripped my CDs for the last time. It took a while to get the settings right. I want my MP3 and WMA conversions to end up in the same folder structure as my flac files and have the ID3 tag info preserved.

    I copied the dynamic output location from CD Ripper to Batch Converter. The only thing that didn't do was move "The" to the end of a folder name ("Artist, the") when artist names start with "The". How do I accomplish that?

    I want the metadata to be applied to the converted files, including album art. Do you have to add DSP ID Tag Processing and set the Manipulation to accomplish that?

    Will Replay Gain import from a FLAC to MP3 conversion? Does the DSP Replay Gain need to be added to the conversion?

    Can I add Replay Gain to existing FLAC files by doing a FLAC to FLAC conversion with DSP Replay Gain added? Is there a better way to add the Replay Gain tag to FLAC files that don't have it?

    Is there an easy way to have the MP3 files, converted from FLAC, end up in the same way the FLAC files from CD are (folder naming, metadata, replay gain, etc.), do CD Ripper and Batch Converter need to be set up separately?

    Thanks for any assistance.
  • garym
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Nov 2007
    • 5936

    Re: Replicating CD Ripper settings in Batch Converter

    Originally posted by sheptastic
    Can I add Replay Gain to existing FLAC files by doing a FLAC to FLAC conversion with DSP Replay Gain added? Is there a better way to add the Replay Gain tag to FLAC files that don't have it?
    other things are easily done too, but no time to respond at the moment. but a quick one: no need to convert flac to flac with RG DSP. Rather just convert the FLACs to "ReplayGain DSP" directly. This will simply add RG tags to your existing FLACs rather than recreating the FLACs themselves. This will be much faster. make sure you have installed the ReplayGain utility codec (this is what you "covert to" rather than FLAC). Install from here:


    • sheptastic

      • May 2014
      • 12

      Re: Replicating CD Ripper settings in Batch Converter

      Thanks for your reply. I was able to add the RG tags to the FLAC files that didn't previously have it. However, these tags do not seem to have been passed to the MP3 files that I converted. What needs to be done to accomplish that?

      I've been able to maintain the album art in the MP3s by using the "ID Tag Processing DSP".

      I think the only other thing I'm lacking is the "Artist, The" folder naming. I don't see that option in Batch Converter, is there a way to do that?


      • garym
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Nov 2007
        • 5936

        Re: Replicating CD Ripper settings in Batch Converter

        Originally posted by sheptastic
        Thanks for your reply. I was able to add the RG tags to the FLAC files that didn't previously have it. However, these tags do not seem to have been passed to the MP3 files that I converted. What needs to be done to accomplish that?

        I've been able to maintain the album art in the MP3s by using the "ID Tag Processing DSP".

        I think the only other thing I'm lacking is the "Artist, The" folder naming. I don't see that option in Batch Converter, is there a way to do that?
        the converter drops the old RG tags when created the mp3 files. Best in the mp3 conversion to add the ReplayGain DSP and have them recreated upon creation of the mp3 files. The tag values would not be identical between FLAC and mp3 versions of the same file anyhow (close, but not identical). Easy enough to add the RG DSP to the mp3 conversion step.


        • sheptastic

          • May 2014
          • 12

          Re: Replicating CD Ripper settings in Batch Converter

          Is there a way to change the folder naming from "The Artist" to "Artist, The" in Batch Converter?


          • garym
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Nov 2007
            • 5936

            Re: Replicating CD Ripper settings in Batch Converter

            Originally posted by sheptastic
            Is there a way to change the folder naming from "The Artist" to "Artist, The" in Batch Converter?
            Not sure, but I've never tried. All the methods I use to play automatically show things in the listing ignoring the "The". So "The Beatles" is shown under "B", etc.


            • sheptastic

              • May 2014
              • 12

              Re: Replicating CD Ripper settings in Batch Converter

              Originally posted by garym
              Not sure, but I've never tried. All the methods I use to play automatically show things in the listing ignoring the "The". So "The Beatles" is shown under "B", etc.
              I don't have any problem with playback, It's just when I want to find the files for some artist. I have to look under Beatles, and then remember that The Beatles are under "T", as are The Who and The Black Keys, but not Pixies or Greatful Dead. I find it much easier to navigate the folder structure if "The" is appended to the end. Since I can only find that option in CD Ripper and Batch Ripper I end up with "Beatles, The" and "The Beatles" which is annoying.


              • sheptastic

                • May 2014
                • 12

                Re: Replicating CD Ripper settings in Batch Converter

                Originally posted by garym
                the converter drops the old RG tags when created the mp3 files. Best in the mp3 conversion to add the ReplayGain DSP and have them recreated upon creation of the mp3 files. The tag values would not be identical between FLAC and mp3 versions of the same file anyhow (close, but not identical). Easy enough to add the RG DSP to the mp3 conversion step.
                I've set the individual MP3 and WMA codecs to add Track and Album Replay gain when converting which seems to work correctly. If I add the MP3 and WMA encoders to the Multi-Encoder codec and add Replay Gain DSP to the Multi-Encoder settings, I get no Replay Gain tags in the MP3 or WMA files. If I add Replay Gain DSP separately to the MP3 and WMA encoder settings within the Multi-Encoder codec, it only adds Track Gain, not Album Gain. Both are set to Track and Album Gain.

                I guess I'll convert to MP3 and WMA separately. Seems like it would have been easier to use Multi-Encoder, but maybe not really since I had to set the MP3 and WMA codec settings and then set them again for Multi Encoder.

                I understand that some may want different settings for all of these, but for those who don't it's kind of painful to have to keep replicating settings within the same software and suite of software. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. If there was a way to load Spoon's settings or garym's settings and use that to start, that would be awesome.


                • sheptastic

                  • May 2014
                  • 12

                  Re: Replicating CD Ripper settings in Batch Converter

                  @garym, thanks for all your help. Not just in my post, but in all the other replies you've written that helped me out along the way.

                  I think I'm close enough to finish the conversion for my ripped FLAC files. I'll just rename the folders manually, and do the MP3 and WMA conversions separately.


                  • sheptastic

                    • May 2014
                    • 12

                    Re: Replicating CD Ripper settings in Batch Converter

                    @ garym, thanks for all you help. Not just on this thread, but all the other ones I've read along the way.

                    I think I'm good to do the conversion from my ripped FLAC files, I'll just rename the folders manually and convert to MP3 and WMA separately.


                    • garym
                      dBpoweramp Guru

                      • Nov 2007
                      • 5936

                      Re: Replicating CD Ripper settings in Batch Converter

                      Can't help with multi encoder. I rip to flac and later create MP3 mirror with dbpa converter. Only adds one step for me and I usually end up tinkering a bit with my tags after original flac rip to get them perfect (or, for example, rerunning replaygain tagging when I have a multi disk album (so I have same album RG tag value for entire album).

                      Just curious, why are you creating two lossy versions (MP3 and WMP). Anything that could play Wmp can likely play MP3. Why not create mp3 only for lossy?

                      regarding the THE issue. Not sure with dbpa. One could easily do this in a batch with mp3tag. In my own case I'm typically browsing my collection via the database that uses tag info rather than via the file listing (I use foobar2000 and Logitech media server and squeezeboxes).

                      ps. Is your forum name related to Jean Shepherd (the famous radio storyteller)?


                      • sheptastic

                        • May 2014
                        • 12

                        Re: Replicating CD Ripper settings in Batch Converter

                        I use FLAC as an archive and on my Sonos system. My WMA is lossless and I use that on my home theater PC running Windows 7's Media Center, as well as Windows Media Player at work. I listen to MP3's on my phone.

                        Thanks for all of your help. There's no relation to Jean Shepherd.

