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Asset R7 on Mac/Naim - browse tree issue

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  • JTmtl

    • Sep 2020
    • 14

    Asset R7 on Mac/Naim - browse tree issue

    Maybe I'm missing something... but since updating to R7 (Asset installed on a Mac, using the Naim app on an iPhone), any changes I make to the configuration of the browse tree do not seem to be reflected in the Naim app as they were with previous versions.
    I have tried restarting all (app, Asset, phone, and computer), as well as doing clean installs of Asset and the Naim app.
    Of course, I can still access music through the default… I’d just like to clean it up a bit by deleting some of the options and rearranging those I use.

    As an example, I am posting two images... how the browse tree is currently configured in Asset (just an example, not my final configuration)... and how it appears in the Naim app, no matter what changes I make to the browse tree.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen Shot 2020-09-10 at 12.08.47 PM.png
Views:	1
Size:	67.5 KB
ID:	297562

    Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_D85E69F0BFC3-1.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	59.1 KB
ID:	297561
  • Mike-B
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Aug 2018
    • 194

    Re: Asset R7 on Mac/Naim - browse tree issue

    Hi again John, I notice your iPhone screen shot has all the items in alphabetical order.
    New to Naim app 5.18 is an A-Z option, when in UPnP if you touch A-Z - the actual A-Z, not the A-Z line, you get a pop up menu that gives you a choice of Alphabetical or Server Default options.
    It doesn't match up your browse tree selection exactly, but its pretty close.
    Last edited by Mike-B; September 11, 2020, 09:21 AM.


    • Julien

      • Jan 2014
      • 15

      Re: Asset R7 on Mac/Naim - browse tree issue

      Hi JTmtl

      I have the same problem.
      And even if I choose the new option in the Naim app (new option "Server Default") as indicated by Mike-B, I still don't have the browse tree I set in Asset.

      However, I could see there are 2 different BrowseTree in the library : v6 and V7.
      One tree is the one I set in Asset, and the second tree (V7 if I am right) is the default tree.
      Unfortunately, the server choose the wrong one.

      I found a trick by copy/pasting the correct browse tree and renaming it with v6 (or V7, now I don't remember which one was correct)

      but each time I change the setup, I need to do this trick which is not convenient.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	screenshot.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	46.5 KB
ID:	294349


      • JTmtl

        • Sep 2020
        • 14

        Re: Asset R7 on Mac/Naim - browse tree issue

        I knew I couldn't be the only one with this issue...
        I did try playing with the A-Z option (something I forgot to mention in my first post). It does seem to change the order of things, but still does match the browse tree as configured (as Mike-B noted).
        I'll have to dig around a bit to give Julien's trick a try...


        • Julien

          • Jan 2014
          • 15

          Re: Asset R7 on Mac/Naim - browse tree issue

          I did a test:

          I removed the dbpoweramp folder in the library and started the config from scratch.

          At first, when I freshly reinstalled Asset, I only had the browseTreev7, no v6.
          then, when I set and saved my personal browse tree in Asset, it was saved under browseTreev6.


          • JTmtl

            • Sep 2020
            • 14

            Re: Asset R7 on Mac/Naim - browse tree issue

            Yup... gave this a try just now too (4th or 5th time I do a reinstall since experiencing the problem)... still not making a difference for me. My changes are not reflected in the Naim app (whether or not I choose to sort A-Z or by the server default).
            Honestly, I mostly just use "Folders & Filename Browsing" (as my tagging is pretty meticulous). If I could at least get that to appear at the top of my browse tree, I'd be satisfied. As it is now, I have to dig down into "Additional" to get to it.


            • PeterP
              Super Moderator
              • Jul 2011
              • 1498

              Re: Asset R7 on Mac/Naim - browse tree issue

              Thanks for the bug report.

              Does it help if you rescan Asset library ('refresh all') ?

              Not because it's really needed, but it bumps the update ID counter which should make Naim notice the changes.

              It's being changed for the next Asset update so you don't have to do this.


              • JTmtl

                • Sep 2020
                • 14

                Re: Asset R7 on Mac/Naim - browse tree issue

                Thanks for the update...

                Unfortunately, rescans don't seem to work. I've done several (as well as 2 complete re-installs) and just did one again to check, but nothing seems to change the appearance in the Naim app... aside from switching between "alphabetical" and "server default" (however, neither of these options matches the configuration I have set up in Asset).


                • Spoon
                  • Apr 2002
                  • 44840

                  Re: Asset R7 on Mac/Naim - browse tree issue

                  Try uninstalling the Naim App and reinstall, this will ensure it is not showing old settings.


                  • JTmtl

                    • Sep 2020
                    • 14

                    Re: Asset R7 on Mac/Naim - browse tree issue

                    Originally posted by Spoon
                    Try uninstalling the Naim App and reinstall, this will ensure it is not showing old settings.
                    I've tried that too... but only on 1 of 2 devices. I'll give it another go today.

                    UPDATE: Done... still no change.
                    Last edited by JTmtl; September 15, 2020, 02:42 PM.


                    • Mike-B
                      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                      • Aug 2018
                      • 194

                      Re: Asset R7 on Mac/Naim - browse tree issue

                      If it helps & clarifies something (anything) - I use both iOS & Android apps, plus beta test iOS development.
                      I've tried to do something to replicate your problems, but nothing I've tried does anything with Asset other than work & display correctly & as per my Browse Tree edit.
                      The only real difference is my Asset R7 is the Synology version; so I can only guess your problem is Mac related.


                      • PeterP
                        Super Moderator
                        • Jul 2011
                        • 1498

                        Re: Asset R7 on Mac/Naim - browse tree issue

                        New beta version posted-

                        Mac UI bugs affecting editing of browse tree have been fixed.
                        Thanks for reporting the issues. Please report if you find anything else not working correctly.


                        • Julien

                          • Jan 2014
                          • 15

                          Re: Asset R7 on Mac/Naim - browse tree issue

                          I also tried refreshing and reinstalling the app without success with r7.

                          the browse tree is working properly now with r7.1 beta 1.

                          thank you for your fast update


                          • Mike-B
                            dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                            • Aug 2018
                            • 194

                            Re: Asset R7 on Mac/Naim - browse tree issue

                            R7.1 beta-1
                            Naim iOS 5.18 app
                            All OK

