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Installing Asset UPnP on Ubuntu 20.04

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  • ursus262

    • Jun 2020
    • 1

    Installing Asset UPnP on Ubuntu 20.04

    I am finding installation of Asset UPnP on my laptop running Ubuntu 20.04 to be somewhat problematic. I have adopted the two approaches:
    1. Using the terminal

      I followed the instructions given in the sticky here in this forum. The installation failed as it couldn't find the file to download using wget
    2. Using the .sh script

      I downloaded the tar.gz file, extracted it, and run the .sh file. Following that, there is no indication that the software has been installed, and I am at a loss what to do next. I can't even find the web interface.

    Is there a likelyhood of a .deb package becoming available at some point?

    Many thanks

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Installing Asset UPnP on Ubuntu 20.04

    The .sh does not install, it runs asset, from there you can access it through the web configuration page:

    see the manual here:

    This Asset build is for Debian, but it will also run on other Linux versions Installation details To install it is done through the SSH command-line, for headless devices, install 'Putty' then connect to the device to access command-shell. Create a folder for Asset: cd /usr/bin sudo mkdir asset sudo chmod 777 asset cd

