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Artist and Album handling Smart Mode

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  • jsaudio

    • Feb 2017
    • 14

    Artist and Album handling Smart Mode

    Im using Asset/QNAP with the Naim App. I also have Yate installed on my Mac.
    Struggling with tagging. I have Asset set to Smart Mode but all "The" Artists sort under T. If I change the artist to say Beach Boys or Beach Boys,The manually with Yate then it will sort under B but when I'm playing the album it won't show me other albums via Tidal because it has be The Beach Boys. So I need it to do what Smart mode was meant to do but doesn't seem to be working. I'm obviously doing something wrong or have a wrong setting.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Artist and Album handling Smart Mode

    You might have 'Artist Sort' tags in the files.


    • jsaudio

      • Feb 2017
      • 14

      Re: Artist and Album handling Smart Mode

      Thanks for the reply Spoon,but Im not sure I know what that means


      • Dat Ei
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Feb 2014
        • 1812

        Re: Artist and Album handling Smart Mode

        There can be two different tags in an Audio file:

        1.) Artist tag

        This is the one which is usually used to display the name of the artist. In your example it could be "The Beach Boys".

        2.) Artist sort tag

        This tag can be used be players to sort the artists and it can be different to the artist tag. In your example it could be "Beach Boys, The", to find this artist under "B".

        So please have a look at your audio files and their tagging.

        Dat Ei


        • jsaudio

          • Feb 2017
          • 14

          Re: Artist and Album handling Smart Mode

          Does that mean that I shouldn't have any sort tags on any albums in order for Smart mode to work as it should and let the artist still be The Beach Boys but sorted under "B" ?


          • Dat Ei
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Feb 2014
            • 1812

            Re: Artist and Album handling Smart Mode

            Sorry, I don't use Asset, but why don't you do just a quick test? Check if that album has "artist sort tags". If not, just add those tags and see what happens after a rescan.

            Dat Ei


            • mville
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • Dec 2008
              • 4023

              Re: Artist and Album handling Smart Mode

              Originally posted by jsaudio
              Does that mean that I shouldn't have any sort tags on any albums in order for Smart mode to work as it should and let the artist still be The Beach Boys but sorted under "B" ?
              Probably. If your tags are not consistent, you will get unpredictable results. Either, use sort tags or do not use them at all. Personally, I do NOT use Smart mode and use sort tags. This works well in Asset and the sort tags are also available for other server/player software.

