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Artist Artwork

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  • djinn69

    • Jan 2018
    • 2

    Artist Artwork

    I noticed in the release notes for R6 that you can now set artist artwork in the AssetUserUpstreamImages folder:
    Allows user to replace upstream art, add to folder %appdata%\dBpoweramp\uMediaLibrary\AssetUserUpstre amImages\ for example can add image 'New Order.png' to replace the artist shown image for New Order
    I don't appear to be able to get this to work. I am currently running Asset R6 on Ubuntu and currently have the following files in my ~/.dBpoweramp/uMediaLibrary-v4/AssetUserUpstreamImages directory:
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 squeezebox squeezebox  21K Jan 16 22:15 50 Cent.jpg
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 squeezebox squeezebox  96K Jan 16 22:08 ABBA.jpg
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 squeezebox squeezebox 181K Jan 16 22:36 ABBA.png
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 squeezebox squeezebox 123K Jan 16 22:15 ABC.jpg
    After rescanning and restarting Asset UPnP I see the album artwork used for the artist rather than the images I have placed in the AssetUserUpstreamImages directory (I have tried with the 'UpStream Artwork' setting of Asset UPnP set and unset but see the same behaviour), am I doing something wrong?
  • djinn69

    • Jan 2018
    • 2

    Solution Found

    I found my problem so will document here in case anyone else is having a similar issue.

    The problem in my case stemmed from AssetUPnP being run as the root user as opposed to my normal user, so when I was adding my images into my user's AssetUserUpstreamImages they were not being picked up.

    I ran AssetUPnP once as my normal user which created the .dBpoweramp directory in my user's home directory. I then followed the steps at to run AssetUPnP at startup. The steps in this guide say to run 'sudo crontab -e' and then add the commands to start AssetUPnP, but this results in the AssetUPnP being run as the root user and creating a new .dBpoweramp directory in the /root/ directory.

    Once I realised this, adding the artist artwork to the /root/.dBpoweramp/uMediaLibrary-v4/AssetUserUpstreamImages directory worked as expected. But what I finally settled on was to running 'crontab -e' instead of 'sudo crontab -e' to add the AssetUPnP to my current user's crontab as apposed to the root user's crontab, and then adding the artwork into the .dBpoweramp directory in my current user's home instead. All working now


    • rangehunter

      • Feb 2018
      • 15

      Re: Solution Found

      Hi, I think I'm trying to address the same issue, but not having any success. It could be the app I'm using to access Asset is the problem, but assuming its not can you clarify what you mean by adding the artist artwork to the /root. I have found under my Windows 10 user profile dbpoweramp and the subsequent folders and added art for an album both in jpg and png. In the dbpweramp folder there is another folder called 1 with the same upstreamimages folder so I've added the art to that folder as well. Both folders were empty when I first opened them. Any suggestions?


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44715

        Re: Solution Found

        Is asset running in local account or as a service?


        • timster67
          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

          • May 2014
          • 210

          Re: Solution Found

          Is this feature likely to be available to Linux builds (QNAP specifically) any time soon?


          • rangehunter

            • Feb 2018
            • 15

            Re: Solution Found

            Originally posted by Spoon
            Is asset running in local account or as a service?
            Local account, should it be service?

