I have the following problem:
Yesterday I got two highres albums; one of them is the album "afrodiziak", when I try to play this, my control point crashes and makes a reboot;
when I play the other one, everything ist ok;
I tried this on two installations:
QNAP HS-210, Asset4.5.1, Cotroll point ist Projekt-Stream-BoxRS, Details in the Log-File attached
Windows 7 (64 Bit), Asset 5.0, trial, same control point as with QNAP
Both have the same behavior - "Afrodiziak" crashes the control-Point
the reboot starts in the moment, when I click on the folder, so I even cannot start a track;
in the attached log-file there are two events for comparison of the behavior:
starting "A boy named Charly Brown, Track: Oh, Good Grief" result ok;
starting "Afrodiziak" - reboot;
A little frustrated I tried to play "Afrodiziak" with TWONKY - and it works.
What I need is an Idea about the reason of this behavior: Asset, the File or the Hardware (Controll Point);
Yesterday I got two highres albums; one of them is the album "afrodiziak", when I try to play this, my control point crashes and makes a reboot;
when I play the other one, everything ist ok;
I tried this on two installations:
QNAP HS-210, Asset4.5.1, Cotroll point ist Projekt-Stream-BoxRS, Details in the Log-File attached
Windows 7 (64 Bit), Asset 5.0, trial, same control point as with QNAP
Both have the same behavior - "Afrodiziak" crashes the control-Point
the reboot starts in the moment, when I click on the folder, so I even cannot start a track;
in the attached log-file there are two events for comparison of the behavior:
starting "A boy named Charly Brown, Track: Oh, Good Grief" result ok;
starting "Afrodiziak" - reboot;
A little frustrated I tried to play "Afrodiziak" with TWONKY - and it works.
What I need is an Idea about the reason of this behavior: Asset, the File or the Hardware (Controll Point);