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Control Point crashes playing a Flac-File

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  • Klaus57

    • Dec 2014
    • 9

    Control Point crashes playing a Flac-File

    I have the following problem:
    Yesterday I got two highres albums; one of them is the album "afrodiziak", when I try to play this, my control point crashes and makes a reboot;
    when I play the other one, everything ist ok;
    I tried this on two installations:
    QNAP HS-210, Asset4.5.1, Cotroll point ist Projekt-Stream-BoxRS, Details in the Log-File attached
    Windows 7 (64 Bit), Asset 5.0, trial, same control point as with QNAP
    Both have the same behavior - "Afrodiziak" crashes the control-Point

    the reboot starts in the moment, when I click on the folder, so I even cannot start a track;

    in the attached log-file there are two events for comparison of the behavior:
    starting "A boy named Charly Brown, Track: Oh, Good Grief" result ok;
    starting "Afrodiziak" - reboot;

    A little frustrated I tried to play "Afrodiziak" with TWONKY - and it works.

    What I need is an Idea about the reason of this behavior: Asset, the File or the Hardware (Controll Point);

    Attached Files
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Control Point crashes playing a Flac-File

    The issue is with the Projekt-Stream-BoxRS (Renderer), it should never crash, even if a flac file was corrupted. Email the manufacturer, I am sure they are keen to get hold of the flac file you have.

    If you set Asset to transcode the FLAC file to Wave (set Flac to 'as wav') in the configuration program, I am sure the issue will go away.


    • Klaus57

      • Dec 2014
      • 9

      Re: Control Point crashes playing a Flac-File

      Originally posted by Spoon
      The issue is with the Projekt-Stream-BoxRS (Renderer), it should never crash, even if a flac file was corrupted. Email the manufacturer, I am sure they are keen to get hold of the flac file you have.

      If you set Asset to transcode the FLAC file to Wave (set Flac to 'as wav') in the configuration program, I am sure the issue will go away.
      I could hardly believe your answer; Nevertheless I tried "flac as wave" - same behavior - reboot!
      I have to point out: I cannot start a track, the Control Point crashes in the moment I want to change from the folder to track list.
      To be sure I contact the manufacturer with the hope to get a solution from there.



      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: Control Point crashes playing a Flac-File

        So you browse to the album and it crashes once you reach the album track listing?


        • Klaus57

          • Dec 2014
          • 9

          Re: Control Point crashes playing a Flac-File

          Indeed it is a little hard to describe not having both of us the screen in front.
          I navigate to the folder <playlist> and press "ok", so the next folder is <new Albums> with "ok" I am navigating to the folder Afrodiziak; again I press "ok" and here it "crashes", the streamer starts rebooting. Doing the same with another "New album" there is everything ok.
          I have about 3600 tracks with 350 Albums and using the stream-Box since 15 months without any similar behavior. Thats why I "could hardly believe".
          Maybe you can analyze the log-Files I attached yesterday and find out something that coult help me. Once again (I know not very nice) - TWONKY works without a problem on this album.

          For the next 2 days I am not able to read your answer in this forum.


          • Klaus57

            • Dec 2014
            • 9

            Re: Control Point crashes playing a Flac-File

            Project - manufacturer - found just out the reason: if there is a special character in the ID3-Tag Composer/Komponist (Bachar Khalifé, Francesco Tristano) Asset sends a "command" to the stream-Box which is the reason for the reboot.
            after changing Khalifé to Bachar Khalife it worked fine.


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44844

              Re: Control Point crashes playing a Flac-File

              We correctly encode as UTF-8, so I have Beyoncé as an artist, the raw data is:


              Which is correctly encoded. It sounds like that player you are using cannot handle any UTF-8 encoded strings which is any collection of music could have characters which are non-english.

              I am guessing that Twonky did not even send over the composer? try renaming an artist to Bachar Khalifé for a test track, then browse both from Asset and Twonky, does it crash your player?

