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Playlists - client hi-fi can't see them

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  • Keironbrown

    • Sep 2013
    • 23

    Playlists - client hi-fi can't see them

    This may be a simple problem, and it may be something to do with my hi-fi (a Marantz CR603), which I'm also checking.

    I have created playlists with both Foobar2000 and Playlist Creator, both as m3u and fpl files. They are kept in a separate folder (/playlists) and Asset is configured to look for them in that folder with 'Contains: Playlists' set as it should be. The folder (Windows 7) is shared.

    They work OK when played on the desktop, but when I search for playlists on the Marantz, it says 'empty' and can't find them, regardless of the format.

    Now this may be something to do with the hi-fi (and I'm asking Marantz support as well), but is there anything obvious I may be missing?

    The Marantz plays everything else with no problems (a mixture of FLAC and mp3) and seems to deal fine with all the other tags - both indexing and searching.

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Playlists - client hi-fi can't see them

    How do you browse on the Marantz? they would be under the Playlists >> browse tree item.


    • Keironbrown

      • Sep 2013
      • 23

      Re: Playlists - client hi-fi can't see them


      In Asset I have Playlists as a container (Blue Folder Icon). The Marantz finds the container and displays it - it appears in the Marantz list in the same list position as it shows up on Asset. However, when I select 'Playlists' on the Marantz, I get '(empty)', even though there are playlists in the Windows folder I've assigned as a playlist folder. So the hi-fi seems to find the container OK, but can't see any files in there. On Asset I've got the A-Z box ticked - and the Marantz sees this and allows me to scroll through the alphabetic list of playlists, but doesn't find any!

      I feel there must be a simple answer somewhere, as Asset is so good at everything else.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: Playlists - client hi-fi can't see them

        Try unchecking A-Z

        also in the playlist folder would be others such as [New Albums], if these are not shown, then the Marantz is displaying something other than the Asset playlist folder.


        • Keironbrown

          • Sep 2013
          • 23

          Re: Playlists - client hi-fi can't see them

          Brilliant, thanks. I knew it must be something simple. Everything fine.

          I guess that for the A-Z to work, Asset must use metadata tags - and of course there aren't any on playlist files, so it can't find anything.

          Thanks again.

