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Multiple Libraries

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  • Gijs52

    • Jul 2012
    • 21

    Multiple Libraries

    I have my music stored in 3 libraries, one with Music in FLAC's, one with classical music and one with music in ALAC.
    As UPnP server I have Asset and eLyric MM. To stream the music I use a Linn DS and to operate it Kinsky or Chorus.

    Is there a way to make Asset show the 3 individual libraries?
    In both remotes (Kinsky & Chorus), Asset shows all the music in perfect order but of the 3 libraries combined. And that makes searching hard.
    iLyric shows the individual libraries which is great, but unfortunately it is not half as stable as Asset.

    Thanks in advance for any help
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Multiple Libraries

    Not currently no.


    • RLANE
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • May 2011
      • 138

      Re: Multiple Libraries

      Originally posted by Gijs52
      I have my music stored in 3 libraries, one with Music in FLAC's, one with classical music and one with music in ALAC.
      As UPnP server I have Asset and eLyric MM. To stream the music I use a Linn DS and to operate it Kinsky or Chorus.

      Is there a way to make Asset show the 3 individual libraries?
      In both remotes (Kinsky & Chorus), Asset shows all the music in perfect order but of the 3 libraries combined. And that makes searching hard.
      iLyric shows the individual libraries which is great, but unfortunately it is not half as stable as Asset.

      Thanks in advance for any help
      Are you comfortable enouigh with tagging tools to add a custom id tag to all of your files?
      If yes, I don't know why you couldn't get you want by:

      1. Add a custom tag to every audio file in every library. The tag must have the same name, so lets conveniently call it LibraryName. Use a unique value for each library - based on your descriptions on the first line of your post perhaps Music , Classical , and Other.
      2. Add the custom tag to Asset.
      3. Create your tree structure in the Asset Config tool to use LibraryName as the top level root. Probably the most practical approach would be to add a new container with the LibraryName tag at the root level and then rebuild the current root level trees under it one at a time - for example, add a child under LibraryName that duplicates the structure of the standard "Artist / Album" tree. Once you have each child tree under the LibraryName root complete and tested, you could delete the standard top level root tree of that name and move on to the next.

      When you browse your library with Asset, you would each time initiallyonly see LibrbaryName instead of the standard trees when you see now. You click on the LibraryName and see (using the names suggested above) Music , Classical , and Other. Select one and then you would see the standard tree structure you see now, or any tree structure you decide to go with. And only that library would show for all of those trees under that selection.

      Is all of this a bit too much for you?
      Does anyone else klnow any reason this would not work?

      I only have Classical music in my library right now, but plan to add others in the future and that is how I plan to do it. I see no reason why it would not work.


      • Gijs52

        • Jul 2012
        • 21

        Re: Multiple Libraries

        It took a while before I could give it a try.

        Your idea does make sense and I thought I could add the custom tag using a &*8220;free field&*8221; in MediaMonkey. I added for one set of music files &*8220;Classical Music&*8221; and for another &*8220;ALAC&*8221; in one of those free fields.
        Then I created the tree structure in Asset refering to "free field" but that did not find anything and did not show in Kinsky.
        Thereafter I creted a tree structure for both Classic and ALAC with most of the details like in the original root.
        In Kinsky it now shows the original plus Classical Music plus ALAC, but they all contain the same set of music.

        I guess because Asset looks at that free field as one field id no matter what description is added.

        There after I tried using Jaikoz, Tagscanner & Mp3tag but as far as I can see they all are restricted to standards tag sets.
        What tagging tool would make it possible to add a real custom tag?


        • Gijs52

          • Jul 2012
          • 21

          Re: Multiple Libraries

          sorry for all the &*8220; in my previous text, those were brackets when I typed them......
          Some further details

          Still with Media Monkey I have used the free field 1 option to add a text Classical Music for some music files and Dan's Music for some others

          In Asset I've created the following:
 field 1:
          ..............Classical Music
          ..............Dan's Music

          I've saved this and waited till Asset was updated.

          In Kinsky I now see in Asset: Classical Music and Dan's Music. However in both I see the same CD's. So I seem te be stuck ):

          Any other thoughts?


          • mville
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Dec 2008
            • 4023

            Re: Multiple Libraries

            I've got this working as follows:

            1. I use MP3Tag to I add a custom tag called LIBRARY. This tag is populated with flac for all my flac files and mp3 for all my mp3 files.

            2. In Asset UPnP config, I have added a New container called Library (tick NO Track Listing) as a Child of 'Root', then all the sub containers as Child of 'Library'.

            So in Asset Control I get 2 folders as the root, flac and mp3.
            Last edited by mville; May 21, 2013, 10:32 AM.


            • Gijs52

              • Jul 2012
              • 21

              Re: Multiple Libraries

              Thanks mville.
              I did what you described and using MP3Tag added a custom tag and entered two descriptions (for the test purposes I used your descriptions, Library for the tag and Flac & MP3 for the music files).
              If I now open the tag of the files I did, using Edit ID Tag (from DBPoweramp), I do see a tag called Library and I see the value entered.
              I then configured Asset Config also as you described and restarted everything.
              However in Asset Control (and in Kinsky) it does show Library, but in Library it just shows Artist/Album, Album etc with all the albums and no distinction on the descriptions flac or mp3 added.
              So I guess I must have missed something.
              Do you have any further advice?


              • mville
                dBpoweramp Guru

                • Dec 2008
                • 4023

                Re: Multiple Libraries

                Here is my Asset UPNP config:

                This is what I get in Asset Control:


                • mville
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • Dec 2008
                  • 4023

                  Re: Multiple Libraries

                  OK, I forgot something. There is a third necessary step:

                  3. Find MediaDatabaseFieldsv4.txt
                  (mine was here, C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\dBpoweramp\uMe diaLibrary)

                  add the following line at the bottom and save/restart:


                  Hope this works.


                  • Gijs52

                    • Jul 2012
                    • 21

                    Re: Multiple Libraries

                    Dear mville, many thanks for your advice and suggestions.

                    I don't know how you got the images in your message, otherwise I would have added some screenshots too.
                    But my Asset config looks similar (I just left internet radio and playlists in too) and I did add the extra line in MediaDatabaseFieldsv4.txt.

                    And still my Asset control does not show the values entered in the Library tag field. I installed Asset control on the server to see if it would work then, but unfortunately it did not.

                    Could this be caused by the fact that Asset runs on a WHS2011 Server?
                    Is it important where the custom tag called library is in the list of tags?


                    • mville
                      dBpoweramp Guru

                      • Dec 2008
                      • 4023

                      Re: Multiple Libraries

                      Originally posted by Gijs52
                      I don't know how you got the images in your message, otherwise I would have added some screenshots too.
                      Upload your images to a free image hosting website, I currently use photobucket. Once uploaded, the image has a link provided by the image hosting website. Copy the link to the clipboard and then when composing a message on this forum click the insert Image button on the message toolbar and paste the link.

                      Originally posted by Gijs52
                      Could this be caused by the fact that Asset runs on a WHS2011 Server?
                      Possibly. I am running on Windows 7 64-bit so cannot help on this.

                      Originally posted by Gijs52
                      Is it important where the custom tag called library is in the list of tags?
                      If you are referring to MediaDatabaseFieldsv4.txt, then I don't think it matters.

                      I would test your scenario with 2 tracks only. 1 flac and 1 mp3. The flac file will have a tag called Library with a value of flac and the mp3 file will have a tag called Library with a value of mp3. Then in Asset UPnP config click Refresh All.


                      • Gijs52

                        • Jul 2012
                        • 21

                        Re: Multiple Libraries

                        Thanks again.
                        I'm learning a lot which is great. (:

                        To rule out that this all is caused by my server, I have installed Asset on my Win7 64bit laptop and made a music file with only two tracks. One with Library Flac one with Library MP3.
                        Changed the MediaDatabaseFieldsv4.txt on my laptop too. Rebooted everything and again just like it was on the server, it does not show in Asset Control.

                        This is how I set Asset Config:

                        And this is what it shows in Asset Control (and the same in Kinsky):

                        And this is how the tag from one of the tracks looks like (and you can see Libary MP3 in the second line from the botom):

                        After the initial trial on my laptop, I even changed the music file with MP3 in the Library tag to an mp3.
                        But either I do oversee something or made a very stupid mistake. But still I can't the Flack or MP3 thing and my system seems to refuse to cooperate.
                        Should I delete everything, clear both systems from everything Asset and re-install all?
                        Or are there other options?


                        • Gijs52

                          • Jul 2012
                          • 21

                          Re: Multiple Libraries

                          I have absolutely no idea what happened.

                          Yesterday I double checked everything twice, reinstalled the whole lot and no way I could see flac or mp3 in Asset control.
                          And tonight I wanted to make some screen shots, and whow its there!!!

                          mville, Thank you so much for your detailed answers.


                          • mville
                            dBpoweramp Guru

                            • Dec 2008
                            • 4023

                            Re: Multiple Libraries

                            Originally posted by Gijs52
                            I have absolutely no idea what happened.

                            Yesterday I double checked everything twice, reinstalled the whole lot and no way I could see flac or mp3 in Asset control.
                            And tonight I wanted to make some screen shots, and whow its there!!!

                            mville, Thank you so much for your detailed answers.
                            Great. Now you've got the principle you can substitute flac and mp3 in the Library tag with say Classical Music, Dan's Music etc.


                            • Gijs52

                              • Jul 2012
                              • 21

                              Re: Multiple Libraries

                              I did add a load of files and did change the descriptions and that works well.

                              There is however a little restriction.
                              It only works if I have the music files plus Asset on a PC or laptop (Windows 7, 64bits)
                              With files and Asset on the server (WHS2011 64bit) it does not work.

                              I 'm now going to try and see what happens if I have Asset on a laptop and all the music on the server.
                              Disadvantage that I then still have to keep my laptop running to use the Linn.

