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Asset Control with Cambridge Audio Stream Magic 6

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  • Enceladus

    • Jan 2013
    • 1

    Asset Control with Cambridge Audio Stream Magic 6

    Has anyone managed to get Asset Control to successfully control the Cambridge Audio Stream Magic 6?

    I have Asset UPnP 4.1 installed and the Stream Magic plays FLAC files fine when initiated through the menu on the actual streamer itself. But this is very cumbersome and I would like to be able to control it from my PC.

    Asset Control is installed and accesses the music library perfectly. It also sees the Stream Magic. But when I try to play a track or album, the Stream Magic displays the track name but no other details and does not actually play the track.

    Are there any specific settings I need to change in Asset UPnP to get this to work?

    Any help much appreciated. Thank you.
  • AlexK

    • Nov 2011
    • 4

    Re: Asset Control with Cambridge Audio Stream Magic 6

    I just got the Stream Magic 6 and use Asset UpnP 4.1. As control poit I use BubbleDS. As log as I play tracks or albums navigating directly on the device, everything is fine (incl. gapless playback). But using the control point only one track is played (not speaking of gapless at all!).
    Also other control ponints show the same behavior.

    Can anyone help on this...

    Thank you!!


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44843

      Re: Asset Control with Cambridge Audio Stream Magic 6

      It points to the Stream Magic...normally for UPnP the control point has to stay active to detect the end of track and play the next track, this is a limitation of UPnP.


      • WonderingWho

        • Feb 2012
        • 8

        Re: Asset Control with Cambridge Audio Stream Magic 6

        yup, have had numerous conversations with CA about this. and tried literally dozens of control point apps. Sadly CA use their own custom extensions which make controlling the SM or NP30 impossible or extremely sub par. I spent some time diving into their stuff with upnp toolkits but due to lack of time couldn't get anywhere. I've also asked them to open up app development. The SM app for ipad etc is so unstable it ruins a great device.

        I've found asset to be the best server for my SM6 and NP30 - but am seriously looking at other players, just because their app is so poor (e.g. crashing out repeatedly).

        I can provide more details on the email convos with them should anyone be interested.



        • NinthWave

          • Nov 2018
          • 14

          Re: Asset Control with Cambridge Audio Stream Magic 6

          Originally posted by Spoon
          It points to the Stream Magic...normally for UPnP the control point has to stay active to detect the end of track and play the next track, this is a limitation of UPnP.
          This is an old topic but I just asked a question in "Asset Control Discussion" yesterday as I am hoping myself to have it working for my Stream Magic 6 V2.

          On an iOS, "mconnect" works fine and on Android, BubbleUPnP is doing a great job as well. But one does not want to be forced to use a tablet or cellphone to control music while at home.

          This is when AssetControl comes handy when one is working at the computer and wants to play music. A mouse on a 24" screen is always better than finger scrolling a 5" display.

          If mConnect, BubbleUPnP and other WiFi devices have managed to work with SM6V2, is there anything we could do to make this working? I am no developper so I cannot program/code the thing myself but if I was to write Cambridge Audio to ask help for a third party control point to work; what is it exactly I should ask them?

          Thank you Spoon.



          • Heathwood

            • Sep 2014
            • 46

            Re: Asset Control with Cambridge Audio Stream Magic 6

            Hi there, I'm not sure if this is relevant, but I now have a Cambridge Audio CXN which replaced a Stream Magic V1.

            In this environment I now find that the CA Connect native App integrates with Asset perfectly with all tracks being selectable and playable from my iPad.

            CA have massively improved their App, and I now find it is the control app of choice for me.


            • NinthWave

              • Nov 2018
              • 14

              Re: Asset Control with Cambridge Audio Stream Magic 6

              Originally posted by Heathwood
              Hi there, I'm not sure if this is relevant, but I now have a Cambridge Audio CXN which replaced a Stream Magic V1.

              In this environment I now find that the CA Connect native App integrates with Asset perfectly with all tracks being selectable and playable from my iPad.

              CA have massively improved their App, and I now find it is the control app of choice for me.

              Yes, I forgot to mention that the Cambridge app works well.

              But my prefered Android App is Bubble UPNP. BubbleSoft also have a Windows and OS10 front-end service that is WEB configurable and can stream AssetUPnP over internet (or LTE) to BubbleUPnP app with transcoding on the fly. I can now listen to my library from anywhere without busting my data rates.

              But, as mentionned in previous post *5, while at home and working on my computer, I'd really like AssetControl to work with my Cambridge Stream Magic 6 V2. As an owner, I can try to leverage on Cambridge, but I don't know what to specifically ask...


