I find this all very difficult, I have a windows 7 pc and Whs on an ava rs3 server from 2008, so i dont know what version of whs it is or how to find out. There is no windows start button on my server console, just headers like shared folders, ava music copier, disk management and the like. I tried to follow the sticky but become unstuck; I went into settings on the asset menu and uninstalled asset 3.0.1 then went to the windows 7 pc add or remove programs and removed asset from the list. so far so good. I went and installed the premium windows 7 version to my pc, then we copied it across into shared software folder ( add ins) on the Whs console, right clicked and ran the program, nothing happened. went into the ava music disk copier folder and asset was not on the settings list anymore. so this is where I am stuck and can see no instructions anywhere as what to do next. Got fed up mucking about and went into add ins and found that asset v 3.0.1 was still available ( happy days, as i want music playing:smile2
so I installed it and I am back where I started with the old version running things. Maybe its me or Whs, but Im used just clicking install and run and updates do their thing. Why cant this be so for asset upgrade. My upgrade button has disappeared can you not send it to me again or something please. I didnt upgrade to v 4 at the time as Linn forum members were reporting some problems in the early days and I just decided to stay clear as things with asset were working perfectly, thats why i choose it over twonky.
Please help a windows illiterate user:cry:
I find this all very difficult, I have a windows 7 pc and Whs on an ava rs3 server from 2008, so i dont know what version of whs it is or how to find out. There is no windows start button on my server console, just headers like shared folders, ava music copier, disk management and the like. I tried to follow the sticky but become unstuck; I went into settings on the asset menu and uninstalled asset 3.0.1 then went to the windows 7 pc add or remove programs and removed asset from the list. so far so good. I went and installed the premium windows 7 version to my pc, then we copied it across into shared software folder ( add ins) on the Whs console, right clicked and ran the program, nothing happened. went into the ava music disk copier folder and asset was not on the settings list anymore. so this is where I am stuck and can see no instructions anywhere as what to do next. Got fed up mucking about and went into add ins and found that asset v 3.0.1 was still available ( happy days, as i want music playing:smile2

Please help a windows illiterate user:cry: