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Multiple Tag Values

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    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • May 2011
    • 138

    Re: Multiple Tag Values

    The '; ' delimiter works fine with other fields. And Soloists works fine when fed into AssetUpNP without modifying in MP3Tag (i.e., when populated using CD Ripper and never changed).


    • RLANE
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • May 2011
      • 138

      Re: Multiple Tag Values

      Using "; " as delimiter in CD Ripper has the same impact on the tag structure in the FLAC file as using " \\" does in MP3Tag.
      Each program creates a new separated line in the VORBIS_COMMMENT block of the FLAC file when the delimiter is encountered.
      Here's a FLAC VORBIS_COMMENT black created with CD Ripper:

      METADATA block *1
      type: 4 (VORBIS_COMMENT)
      is last: false
      length: 883
      vendor string: reference libFLAC 1.2.1 20070917
      comments: 22
      comment[0]: AccurateRipResult=AccurateRip: Not in database [FCDCFB3D]
      comment[1]: AccurateRipDiscID=008-0015cfdd-008b1b8a-510e4708-1
      comment[2]: Title=I. Allegro Ma Non Troppo
      comment[3]: Genre=Concerto
      comment[4]: Album=Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in A minor Op. 53 - Peinemann , Maag , CPO - 1966
      comment[5]: Artist=Peinemann , Maag , CPO
      comment[6]: Year=1966
      comment[7]: Composition=Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in A minor Op. 53
      comment[8]: SubGenre=Violin Concerto
      comment[9]: Composer=Dvor*k
      comment[10]: Subtitle=Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in A minor Op. 53
      comment[11]: Soloists=Peinemann , Edith
      comment[12]: Soloists=Czech Philharmonic Orchestra
      comment[13]: Orchestra=Czech Philharmonic Orchestra
      comment[14]: Conductor=Maag , Peter
      comment[15]: Track=01
      comment[16]: Source=CD (Lossless)
      comment[17]: Encoded By=dBpoweramp Release 14.2
      comment[18]: Encoder=FLAC 1.2.1
      comment[19]: Encoder Settings=-compression-level-5
      comment[20]: ALBUMARTIST=Peinemann , Edith
      comment[21]: ALBUMARTIST=Czech Philharmonic Orchestra

      Using MP3Tag, the " //" delimiter will result in the same behavior. I loaded teh file into MP3Tag and saved it. Here's the VORBIS_COMMENT block then:

      METADATA block *1
      type: 4 (VORBIS_COMMENT)
      is last: false
      length: 889
      vendor string: reference libFLAC 1.2.1 20070917
      comments: 22
      comment[0]: AccurateRipResult=AccurateRip: Not in database [FCDCFB3D]
      comment[1]: AccurateRipDiscID=008-0015cfdd-008b1b8a-510e4708-1
      comment[2]: Title=I. Allegro Ma Non Troppo
      comment[3]: Soloists=Peinemann , Edith
      comment[4]: Soloists=Czech Philharmonic Orchestra
      comment[5]: Source=CD (Lossless)
      comment[6]: Encoded By=dBpoweramp Release 14.2
      comment[7]: Encoder=FLAC 1.2.1
      comment[8]: Encoder Settings=-compression-level-5
      comment[9]: ALBUMARTIST=Peinemann , Edith
      comment[10]: ALBUMARTIST=Czech Philharmonic Orchestra
      comment[11]: Album=Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in A minor Op. 53 - Peinemann , Maag , CPO - 1966
      comment[12]: Artist=Peinemann , Maag , CPO
      comment[13]: Genre=Concerto
      comment[14]: COMPOSER=Dvor*k
      comment[15]: CONDUCTOR=Maag , Peter
      comment[16]: ORCHESTRA=Czech Philharmonic Orchestra
      comment[17]: COMPOSITION=Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in A minor Op. 53
      comment[18]: SUBTITLE=Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in A minor Op. 53
      comment[19]: SUBGENRE=Violin Concerto
      comment[20]: DATE=1966
      comment[21]: TRACKNUMBER=01

      The only difference is the order, and the track tag (Track vs TRACKNUMBER - hence the 6 character size difference off 889 instead of 883).
      I do not understand though why AssetUpNP will parse the individual entries in the first example above (the only created by CD Ripper) but only the second entry in example two (the same file modified by MP3Tag).


      • RLANE
        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

        • May 2011
        • 138

        Re: Multiple Tag Values

        Actually, Asset DID NOT load all of the Soloist values for the FLAC file either time. Asset behaved exactly the same for both of the above examples (the unmodified file created by CD Ripper and the same file saved with MP3Tag). Both Soloists vlaues were loaded into AssetUpNP for the MP3 file, but for teh FLAC file only the second entry (Czech Philharmonic Orchestra) was loaded. Plain and simple - AssetUpNP will only load one Soloists entry from FLAC files, period.


        • RLANE
          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

          • May 2011
          • 138

          Re: Multiple Tag Values

          So SPOON, can you confirm (i.e., test) that AssetUpNP does not load more than one Soloists value fro FLAC files, and if confirmed tells if it can fixed down the road?


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44845

            Re: Multiple Tag Values

            Depends which version of Asset you are using, make sure you have R4 beta then you have the latest FLAC decoder.


            • RLANE
              dBpoweramp Enthusiast

              • May 2011
              • 138

              Re: Multiple Tag Values

              Installed the R4 beta on Win 7. Selected not to uninstall old version when given the choice. Lost my trees/hierarchies, but some of the configuration remained intact, like the repository/scan-directory location.
              Not sure though if other customizations lost, such as custom fields. I'l find out tonight.
              Looks like it fixed the problem though.
              Thanks Spoon.

