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Multiple Tag Values

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  • Husqcat

    • Nov 2011
    • 40

    Multiple Tag Values it possible to have multiple tag values for a particular fields? I have tried separating with a few different variations but doesn't seem to work.

    Let me explain what I am trying to do, maybe I am doing something wrong (I am a new user)! I want to separate my wife's CD collection from mine for browsing purposes. I have created an additional view based on the 'conductor' field which
    I am using to tag my wife's CDs. All my wife's CDs are tagged with her name using the conductor field and appear correctly in the view. Because I haven't yet tagged all my CDs with my name everything else appears as (unknown conductor)
    which is fine for now.

    What I want to do is have certain CDs appear in both my wife's list and my I was thinking that if I tag the 'conductor' field with two values the CD would appear if both conductor views - it doesn't seem to work or I am doing
    something wrong. I have tagged some of my CDs with my name to test this.

    Anyone help me please?

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Multiple Tag Values

    Conductor is a bad tag for multiples, as no tagging formats allow it to contain multiples.


    • Husqcat

      • Nov 2011
      • 40

      Re: Multiple Tag Values

      Thanks....what tag would you suggest for multiples without creating custom tags? Also what is used as the separator please?

      Is what I am trying to achieve feasible?


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: Multiple Tag Values


        in dBpoweramp you would enter as:

        item1; item2

        it will be written correctly internally to the tagging format.


        • Husqcat

          • Nov 2011
          • 40

          Re: Multiple Tag Values

          Spoon....thanks just the trick:smile2:


          • Husqcat

            • Nov 2011
            • 40

            Re: Multiple Tag Values

            Sorry....just a quick follow on......for all my FLACs no problem I can use MP3Tag and add the relevant tag. For all my WAV files is the easiest way to do this via dBpoweramp Music Converter and just add in the ID Tag DSP with the relevant tag but keeping same source format and just overwrite existing files. Thanks


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44844

              Re: Multiple Tag Values

              No, select the file(s), right click >> Edit ID Tag


              • Husqcat

                • Nov 2011
                • 40

                Re: Multiple Tag Values

                Spoon......I'm talking in the region of 7000 wav there an easier way rather than doing each individual file (without converting them all to FLAC)? Thanks


                • Husqcat

                  • Nov 2011
                  • 40

                  Re: Multiple Tag Values

                  I used J River MC to achieve the WAV tagging is in the end, seems to have worked well....all looking good......thanks for the help


                  • RLANE
                    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                    • May 2011
                    • 138

                    Re: Multiple Tag Values

                    I too am confused about multi-value tags.
                    In my case, I try to use "Soloists" in DbPoweramp CD Ripper to include as many artists as possible.
                    But, not all showup.
                    For example, with the following value only "Swenson , Robert" and "Wilke , Elisabeth" get into teh Asset database.

                    Swensen, Robert\\Quivar, Florence\\Murphy, Heidi Grant\\Lewis, Keith\\Hale, Robert\\Faulkner, Julie\\Wilke, Elisabeth

                    What is the maximum number for Soloists (I know four is the maximum for AlbumArtist), and what is the best delimiter(";", "/", "\\", other)?


                    • Spoon
                      • Apr 2002
                      • 44844

                      Re: Multiple Tag Values

                      In dBpoweramp you always use '; ' as the deliminator, dBpoweramp will write the correct way internally to the file.

                      4 is the maximum of any multi-value in Asset.


                      • RLANE
                        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                        • May 2011
                        • 138

                        Re: Multiple Tag Values

                        It appears my unparsed values are the result of using MP3Tag to edit the tags, especially if I add the SOLOISTS tag to a file that previously did not have that tag. Somehow that program does not save the values properly for Asset purposes. Even if I use '; ' in MP3Tag, and confirm by examining the files after saving them to be sure MP3Tag saved them in that format, somehow Asset does not read them the same as it does when they are loaded untouched after ripping with CD Ripper. I wonder if MP3Tag adds some hidden characters, CR/Lf, etc.
                        Anyone have any experience getting MP3Tag to save multi-value strings for the Soloists tag and having Asset parse teh values correctly? MP3Tag works fine with the Albumartist tag when it comes to Multi-Value tags.


                        • garym
                          dBpoweramp Guru

                          • Nov 2007
                          • 5936

                          Re: Multiple Tag Values

                          Originally posted by RLANE
                          It appears my unparsed values are the result of using MP3Tag to edit the tags, especially if I add the SOLOISTS tag to a file that previously did not have that tag. Somehow that program does not save the values properly for Asset purposes. Even if I use '; ' in MP3Tag, and confirm by examining the files after saving them to be sure MP3Tag saved them in that format, somehow Asset does not read them the same as it does when they are loaded untouched after ripping with CD Ripper. I wonder if MP3Tag adds some hidden characters, CR/Lf, etc.
                          Anyone have any experience getting MP3Tag to save multi-value strings for the Soloists tag and having Asset parse teh values correctly? MP3Tag works fine with the Albumartist tag when it comes to Multi-Value tags.

                          in mp3tag to do multi values in a tag, use "\\" between the items. So if you want both Willie Nelson and Wynton Marsalis as artist on a track, you'd enter for artist:
                          Willie Nelson\\Wynton Marsalis

                          And this shows up in lots of other players (foobar2000, squeezeboxes, etc.)


                          • RLANE
                            dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                            • May 2011
                            • 138

                            Re: Multiple Tag Values

                            I tested 3 delimiters with MP3Tag and AssetUpNP. For each test I loaded 5 values into the SOLOISTS tag of an MP3 file and 5 values into the SOLOISTS tag of a FLAC file using MP3Tag and then copied them to the folder AssetUpNP scans for files.

                            1. Used the recommended '; ' delimiter as follows : "Test1A; Test1B; Test1C; Test1D; Test1E". Asset failed to parse any of the values and left the entire 5 value string intact for both MP3 and FLAC files.

                            2. Used " /" delimiter as follows : "Test2A /Test2B /Test2C /Test2D /Test2E". Asset parsed the first 4 values and ignored the 5th for teh MP3 file (as Spoon suggested the '; ' delimiter should behave). Asset failed to parse any of the values fo rthe FLAC files.

                            3. Used " \\" as suggested above as follows : "Test3A \\Test3B \\Test3C \\Test3D \\Test3E". For the MP3 file, Asset only parsed the first value and ignored the other 4 values. For the FLAC file, Asset only parsed the last (5th) value and ignored teh other 4 values.


                            • garym
                              dBpoweramp Guru

                              • Nov 2007
                              • 5936

                              Re: Multiple Tag Values

                              hmmm, maybe soloists tag is not multivalue capable (not all field are as I understand it). What happens if you do the above test with, for example, ARTIST field rather than Soloists?

