Re: newly set up Linn DS, NAs etc but Asset problems
Thanks Spoon.
Refreshed last night one last time after posted, and crossing my fingers that it cleared the glitches...prior to scan over 68,000 files and this morning around 60,000 so hoping the extra files were the dupes. Spot checked 3 folders that had problems last night, all were clean this morning, no dupes and played chosen song. I'll try to do a more indepth look and if still encountering the problem, will email you the pre- and post-refresh the dump files.
Sorry if devoted too many threads to this, but love the Asset interface so was frustrated.
Thanks Spoon.
Refreshed last night one last time after posted, and crossing my fingers that it cleared the glitches...prior to scan over 68,000 files and this morning around 60,000 so hoping the extra files were the dupes. Spot checked 3 folders that had problems last night, all were clean this morning, no dupes and played chosen song. I'll try to do a more indepth look and if still encountering the problem, will email you the pre- and post-refresh the dump files.
Sorry if devoted too many threads to this, but love the Asset interface so was frustrated.