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Constant and regular stuttering with Asset Upnp and PS3

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  • armitage

    • Jan 2011
    • 3

    Constant and regular stuttering with Asset Upnp and PS3


    I installed yesterday Asset Upnp in order to benefit from the replaygain when streaming music to my PS3. The media server is correctly detected and I can browse smoothly between the different artists, albums.

    The problem is that when I try to play a file (all files in my library are flac), I will have microcuts every 2 to 3*blooper*seconds before the music keeps playing.

    I set the flac files to be transcoding as LPCM ( the override for wav being removed) and uncheck the L24*blooper*playback for now.

    The problem appears on both 16bits and 24bits playback.

    My ps3 is connected through ethernet to my wifi n rooter, while my pc is using wifi.

    I am sure it is not a problem signal strength as I am able to stream flawlessly 1080p movie with PS3 media server along with any kind and music.

    I*blooper*have also the same issue with foo_upnp the dnla server of foobar2000.

    Could it be the replaygain that is causing this problem as this is the function I am trying to use? Or could it be some weird problem between Asset Upnp and my wifi rooter?

    My PC*blooper*is showing 0% usage when transcoding (I7 at 3.5Ghz with 12Go of Ram) so I am confident it is not struggling with the transcoding.

    Thank you in advance for your input.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44844

    Re: Constant and regular stuttering with Asset Upnp and PS3

    Wifi is the issue as it is going from the laptop over wifi to the ps3, this is causing the breakups.


    • armitage

      • Jan 2011
      • 3

      Re: Constant and regular stuttering with Asset Upnp and PS3

      Hi Spoon,

      Thank you for your input. I though it was, is it any setting I could improve on Asset Upnp or my rooter to fix this issue?

      I have trouble to understand how the wifi could be the cause, knowing that I can stream 1080p video or HD audio with other media server and that my wifi link speed never comes under 243MB/s when using Asset.

      When I experienced some stuttering with 1080p video, my link was always close to 0MB/s usually due to the interference with the neighbour's wifi coupled to the strain of the HD*blooper*movie.

      This is not the case with simple audio and my wifi do not drop.

      Any specific suggestion that would not involve pulling out a ethernet cable throughout my flat?


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44844

        Re: Constant and regular stuttering with Asset Upnp and PS3

        As a test connect a cable into your computer, thus bypassing the wifi


        • armitage

          • Jan 2011
          • 3

          Re: Constant and regular stuttering with Asset Upnp and PS3

          I*blooper*will try to do that if I come across some ethernet cable long enough.

          I had opt that I did something wrong through the settings.

