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Multiple Genre

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  • garym
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Nov 2007
    • 5936

    Re: Multiple Genre

    Originally posted by senator1962
    Obviously I'm too stupid to get these things completed: still no results. Neither was I able to set-up in MP3Tag the Meta Genre nor did the songs appear after having them edited "manually"...; have you ever done it before? I think that I am not using any unusual software nor hardware: a simple Win7 (Ultimate) system with one HDD for all music files. The only thing is that my music server has no other software on except Asset and Kinsky. All tagging/ripping software is on another PC that is connected via network. Could this be a reason?
    Regards, Dirk

    Yes, I do this all the time. hmmm, should be dead simple. so you must be missing something simple here. So start simple with these steps:

    1. install mp3tag and open it.
    2. select one FLAC album to be active in mp3tag, select all these files (EDIT > select all files)
    3. upper left side you see a panel with artist, title, genre, etc. in the genre box, type the genre you want (don't use drop down, actually type in the box). Enter something like "Country\\Folk" (without the quotes). Then hit the "save" icon upper left hand menu bar. So now your files have TWO genres.
    4. right click on the "title bar" in the right side of screen (where you see track, title, artist, etc. as the column headings). Then choose "customize columns". Then scroll down to GENRE and select it. In the panel to the right you should see NAME = GENRE. Then for value you see something like %genre%. Delete this (the %genre%) and instead enter:
    You may need to widen the column size (drag the column border to right) to see everything in the column.

    Does this all work? Do you see both genres showing up in the genre column (here they would show up with a comma in between (e.g., Country,Folk). If you see this, then this means your files are fine and you've saved the right metadata.

    I have no idea whether ASSET can read the multiple genres (I don't use ASSET). That's a separate issue. But Spoon seems to imply above that it can see separate genres. Or maybe this ability to see separate genres is a function of your player and kinsky. I know that in my Squeezebox system, the Logitech Music Sever shows my albums under EITHER genre when I have both genres in a flac file. So if I have two genres (Country and Folk) in the tags, I see those albums under the Country genre and also under the Folk genre.


    • senator1962

      • Jan 2012
      • 22

      Re: Multiple Genre

      Originally posted by garym
      Yes, I do this all the time. hmmm, should be dead simple. so you must be missing something simple here. So start simple with these steps:

      1. install mp3tag and open it.
      2. select one FLAC album to be active in mp3tag, select all these files (EDIT > select all files)
      3. upper left side you see a panel with artist, title, genre, etc. in the genre box, type the genre you want (don't use drop down, actually type in the box). Enter something like "Country\\Folk" (without the quotes). Then hit the "save" icon upper left hand menu bar. So now your files have TWO genres.
      4. right click on the "title bar" in the right side of screen (where you see track, title, artist, etc. as the column headings). Then choose "customize columns". Then scroll down to GENRE and select it. In the panel to the right you should see NAME = GENRE. Then for value you see something like %genre%. Delete this (the %genre%) and instead enter:
      You may need to widen the column size (drag the column border to right) to see everything in the column.

      Does this all work? Do you see both genres showing up in the genre column (here they would show up with a comma in between (e.g., Country,Folk). If you see this, then this means your files are fine and you've saved the right metadata.

      I have no idea whether ASSET can read the multiple genres (I don't use ASSET). That's a separate issue. But Spoon seems to imply above that it can see separate genres. Or maybe this ability to see separate genres is a function of your player and kinsky. I know that in my Squeezebox system, the Logitech Music Sever shows my albums under EITHER genre when I have both genres in a flac file. So if I have two genres (Country and Folk) in the tags, I see those albums under the Country genre and also under the Folk genre.
      What can I say. "Bravo Zulu" - This is it!
      This is a perfect solution and it works. Thank you so much for taking your time and providing such a good and reliable solution.
      All the best and kindest regards, Dirk


      • garym
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Nov 2007
        • 5936

        Re: Multiple Genre

        Originally posted by senator1962
        What can I say. "Bravo Zulu" - This is it!
        This is a perfect solution and it works. Thank you so much for taking your time and providing such a good and reliable solution.
        All the best and kindest regards, Dirk
        Excellent. I'm pleased you got it working.


        • hifive

          • Nov 2016
          • 2

          Re: Multiple Genre

          Hi Spoon,

          Mine does not, v16.1, whn I use the semi colon as a sperator: e.g. Electronica; Alternative; Ambient

          It only picks up the last element: "Ambient" not the other two. I use Twonky server 8.3 and this is where the translation does not happen. Any ideas?

          Thanks hifive

          Originally posted by Spoon
          The tag editors might allow the entry of multiples seperated by ';' just for user interaction, if you right click on a file >> Edit ID Tag (dBpoweramp offers this on the right click) then set genre to:

          Genre1; Genre2

          Asset will read both.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44844

            Re: Multiple Genre

            The fault lies with Twonky not able to read multiple genres (I guess you are using FLAC).

            If you are able to, try Asset UPnP.

