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Multiple Genre

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  • I B Listening

    • Jul 2010
    • 13

    Re: Multiple Genre


    Loaded file into excel:

    Column E, t_genre, has a value of "Genre1; Genre"

    Column B, t_genre iID, has value of "Genre1; Genre2"


    • dbfan
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Jan 2011
      • 937

      Re: Multiple Genre

      That suggests asset is reading correctly, try using asset control to browse genres, genre2 should show the track


      • I B Listening

        • Jul 2010
        • 13

        Re: Multiple Genre


        Asset Control displays the track under a single genre - "Genre1; Genre2". I tried cleaning up the tag, got rid of all comments, replay gain, art, etc. The tag is bare bones except for genre. Same result.


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44844

          Re: Multiple Genre

          Email one of your files with the 2 genres set:



          • I B Listening

            • Jul 2010
            • 13

            Re: Multiple Genre

            Sample file sent 2/13 @ 8:50pm.


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44844

              Re: Multiple Genre

              I got it thanks, will check ASAP


              • acid255

                • Mar 2011
                • 1

                Re: Multiple Genre

                Has there been any progress on this? I actually stumbled across Asset UPnP while scouring the Internet for a media server solution that supported multiple genres, but like the creator of this thread, I have been unable to get Asset UPnP functioning properly with mutliple genre tags in any way.

                I've tried sereral different methods of editing the tags (including dbPoweramp) and I've tried a multitude of different delimiters (/ \ ; , etc) and none of them seem to be recognised by Asset as separate genres, it always just thinks the concatenation of the multiple genres is a new genre in itself.

                Unlike most people that want this feature for their classical music libraries, my application is a little different. I just want multiple genre tags so that I can more easily categorise my metal.

                I want to be able to label any track with multiple tags like "metal", "death metal", "melodic death metal", "female vocalist", "orchestral metal" etc and for tracks tagged with any of those to show up when i broase by any single one of those genres.

                However, tacks that I am tagging as "Metal; Melodic Death Metal", which I want to show up while browsing either "Metal" or "Melodic Death Metal" aren't showing up in either of those, but instead under a new genre called "Metal; Melodic Death Metal".

                As I said, none of the delimiters I have tried appear to be parsed by Asset UPnP, nor does a null character.

                I've investigated a couple of other solutions that do support custom delimiters in the genre field (Squeezebox Server with WhiteBear and Twonky Media Server) however none of these have the awesome Browse Tree customisation options that Asset has, so I'm really hoping there's some way I can get it working in Asset.

                Squeezebox server actually lets the user specify whatever delimiter they want to use.

                This is the only thing stopping me from purchasing, so hopefully I can figure out how to get this happening before the free trial expires.

                EDIT: forgot to mention, much like the OP, these are just regular MP3s with ID3v2 tags and I'm using XBMC as well as a PlayStation 3 as my test renderers.
                Last edited by acid255; March 20, 2011, 03:45 AM.


                • senator1962

                  • Jan 2012
                  • 22

                  Re: Multiple Genre

                  Originally posted by Spoon
                  For ID3v2 internally the multiple artists should be separated as:


                  if it is Artist1; Artist2 then MediaMonkey is just creating its own way of doing it.
                  Hello Spoon,

                  regret to state that this does not work. I am using Asset (full version ) with Kinsky and facing always the same issues as decribed herein before: I got a new Genre where it says e.g. "Austropop / Singer-Songwriter" instead showing these files once under "Austropop" and once under "Singer-Songwriter". I use your ripping software too but often, I have to do tagging "by hand" thereafter, which I am usually doing with Tag&Rename (this is not an issue with the CD-Ripper rather than the crappy content of the Internet databases...!!). As I understood the structure, it is not an issue caused by Kinsky as the complete "management" is done by Asset (or any other program such as Minim, Win Mediaserver, etc.

                  As my Music collection is growing steadily, I'd like to things done the first time right. Any help is very much appreciated. Thank you.
                  Regards, Dirk


                  • dbfan
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • Jan 2011
                    • 937

                    Re: Multiple Genre

                    You would have to verify that the tagging program is writing multiples correctly, as each audio format is different, and some programs you enter in a standard artist1; artist2 way and the program writes the correct value to the tga.


                    • senator1962

                      • Jan 2012
                      • 22

                      Re: Multiple Genre

                      Originally posted by mrspoonsi
                      You would have to verify that the tagging program is writing multiples correctly, as each audio format is different, and some programs you enter in a standard artist1; artist2 way and the program writes the correct value to the tga.
                      Yes Sir, it does :smile2:

                      As suggested before here in this forum, I checked through the browser (right-click) the ID3 tags of the relevant files but regardless whether I am using ";" or "/" as a separator, the *.flac files are still being sorted into a new category rather than being divided into the two existing ones...; any other idea?

                      Frankly, i like Asset and do not want to try Twonky again (as some people say that Twonky does not have this issue...) - FYI: I am using Win7 Ultimate on the PC that runs both, Asset UPnP and Kinsky. The PC is part of a little (Home) network.
                      Best regards, Dirk
                      Linn Akurate DSM / Akuarate 2200 / Piega C40 + 2x P1 Sub MKII / Denon AVC-A1 XVA / DVD-A! XVA / DVD 3800 BT / Piega P4 XL / Samsung TV UE 40 D6200 / Media-PC 4GB RAM, 2TB HDD / Asset UPnP / Kinsky


                      • Spoon
                        • Apr 2002
                        • 44844

                        Re: Multiple Genre

                        Internally for FLAC you tags should be stored as:


                        two separate tags, according to the vorbis tagging specification, if your tagger is not doing that then Asset will read as one genre.


                        • senator1962

                          • Jan 2012
                          • 22

                          Re: Multiple Genre

                          Originally posted by Spoon
                          Internally for FLAC you tags should be stored as:


                          two separate tags, according to the vorbis tagging specification, if your tagger is not doing that then Asset will read as one genre.
                          thank you for this advice. Could you kindly give me an example for a program that is able to handle two different Genre entries: I have checked on Tag&Rename 3.5.7 and MP3Tag 2.49a and both do offer only one entry line for genre(s). Similarly, I do not find the support of two different genre files in either program that I do have from dbPoweramp (i.e. ripper, batch converter, etc.) - Having read through the help files, it seems that I cannot simply open another field, name this field "Genre(2)" and fill it out. Your help will be highly appreciated once more. Thank you. Dirk


                          • garym
                            dBpoweramp Guru

                            • Nov 2007
                            • 5936

                            Re: Multiple Genre

                            Originally posted by senator1962
                            thank you for this advice. Could you kindly give me an example for a program that is able to handle two different Genre entries: I have checked on Tag&Rename 3.5.7 and MP3Tag 2.49a and both do offer only one entry line for genre(s). Similarly, I do not find the support of two different genre files in either program that I do have from dbPoweramp (i.e. ripper, batch converter, etc.) - Having read through the help files, it seems that I cannot simply open another field, name this field "Genre(2)" and fill it out. Your help will be highly appreciated once more. Thank you. Dirk
                            you can give multiple genres to flac files in mp3tag. In the single genre location (place you enter genre) separate the two genres with \\ (double back slashes). In the columns of mp3tag the genre column may only show one. to show both, edit the genre column and change the value from %genre% to:
                            Last edited by garym; March 13, 2012, 12:34 PM.


                            • senator1962

                              • Jan 2012
                              • 22

                              Re: Multiple Genre

                              Wunderbar :-)
                              Will try as soon as being back in Front of my PC


                              • senator1962

                                • Jan 2012
                                • 22

                                Re: Multiple Genre

                                Originally posted by garym
                                you can give multiple genres to flac files in mp3tag. In the single genre location (place you enter genre) separate the two genres with \\ (double back slashes). In the columns of mp3tag the genre column may only show one. to show both, edit the genre column and change the value from %genre% to:
                                Obviously I'm too stupid to get these things completed: still no results. Neither was I able to set-up in MP3Tag the Meta Genre nor did the songs appear after having them edited "manually"...; have you ever done it before? I think that I am not using any unusual software nor hardware: a simple Win7 (Ultimate) system with one HDD for all music files. The only thing is that my music server has no other software on except Asset and Kinsky. All tagging/ripping software is on another PC that is connected via network. Could this be a reason?
                                Regards, Dirk

