need your help for the understanding of accuraterip.
i have a dublette of an album. one of those albums was ripped 2 years back, yesterday i ripped the other one (both to flac files). the ripping was done on different machines with different cd-drives.
then i checked both logfiles: both are accurate, accuraterip crc is identical for each track.
the album i ripped yesterday has a higher confidence, which should be normal as other accuraterips have been done.
based on that, i assume that the flac files are also identical !?.
to crosscheck my assumption it did the following: i extracted the pcm-file for both flac-files (by a script based on ffmpeg).
then i generated the hash-sum with sha for the pcm-files >>> result: they are different !?
thanks for your ideas.
i have a dublette of an album. one of those albums was ripped 2 years back, yesterday i ripped the other one (both to flac files). the ripping was done on different machines with different cd-drives.
then i checked both logfiles: both are accurate, accuraterip crc is identical for each track.
the album i ripped yesterday has a higher confidence, which should be normal as other accuraterips have been done.
based on that, i assume that the flac files are also identical !?.
to crosscheck my assumption it did the following: i extracted the pcm-file for both flac-files (by a script based on ffmpeg).
then i generated the hash-sum with sha for the pcm-files >>> result: they are different !?
thanks for your ideas.