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name change

  • EatAPeach
    started a topic Dynamic Naming - Changing just the Encoder tag

    Dynamic Naming - Changing just the Encoder tag

    I currently have my FLAC files named Album Artist - Album Title (Year) [Encoder] {Catalog ID] / Track Number - Track Title.

    I am converting my FLAC files to MP3 320 and want to keep everything exactly the same except the Encoder (FLAC -> MP3 320) so

    Original filename: Album...
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  • Caesar
    started a topic Changing names from "The ABC" to "ABC, The"

    Changing names from "The ABC" to "ABC, The"


    How can I change that dbPoweramp doesn't change the folder's name from "The ABC" to "ABC, The"?
    The flac folder is named "Allman Brothers". After the conversion dbPoweramp renamed the folder to "Allman Brothers, The" (and it does so with...
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