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Editing Tags

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  • dbPowerBOY
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Sep 2006
    • 61

    Editing Tags

    I would like the context menu 'edit tag' option to look very close to my illustrated below, also the tag window skin should be replaced with something that looks sleek and professional rather than a plain grey.

    as I have outl;ined I would love it if the next r12.1 featured these, PLUS

    an independent feature within the edit tag of album art to have a url input to get pics manually from hosted sites (with internet connection) - just like what you can do with

    - also fix the Windows Explorer (in XP) crashings

    ---- I know the developer's here and ascosiates are busy and busy filing other requests and continually improving I would just love some consideration into these features - db is alreafdy the best out there, and I jsut like to support
  • dbPowerBOY
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Sep 2006
    • 61

    Re: Editing Tags

    This is waht I dream about, every feature within the image only customized the way the developer would want it (colours, text font etc.)

    please strongly consider fro the next release

