Current version: R2.5 beta 3
Changes since R2.4:
Changes in beta 2:
Changes in beta 3:
Changes since R2.4:
- ID Tags: Fixed various erratic behavior of "Date Modified" etc columns.
- ID Tags: Fixed spurious rewriting of file tags when no edits were made.
- ID Tags: Fixed some fields appearing to be editable when they should not be.
- ID Tags: Greatly improved keyboard accessiblity, can cycle edited fields with tab key, move up/down with cursor keys.
Changes in beta 2:
- Edit ID Tags dialog keyboard accessibility fixes.
- Fixed track & disc tags not being read from FLAC/Ogg/Opus with some obscure options enabled.
Changes in beta 3:
- Fixed extreme memory usage when attempting to read tags from M4A files with QuickTime chapters.
- Fixed glitches in codec settings dialog.