I need a way to verify that the --genre tag data in my external flat file actually was put into the .mp3 file. Here is the batch file code to auto tag the file.
for /f "tokens=1-4 delims=/.- " %%A in ('date /t') do (set Dow=%%A&set MM=%%B&set DD=%%C&set YYYY=%%D) tag C:\Audio\Tagged\*.mp3 --artist "KUOW Public Radio" --year %YYYY% --genre "News" --title "My Title" --comment "This is a test comment" --fromfile mp3tags.txt
Here are the contents of the external flat file (mp3tags.txt)
--artist "Company Name Here"
--title "My Title"
--year "2006"
--genre "Genre Test"
--comment "This is a test comment"
The reason I'm asking is because if you try and verify tags on a Windows XP machine that also has dbpowerAMP installed you can't see the genre tag at all. So I tested the conversion of the .wav to .mp3 and auto tagging on another machine that doesn't have dbpowerAMP. But witout this tool how do I verify that the genre tag was in fact put in?
for /f "tokens=1-4 delims=/.- " %%A in ('date /t') do (set Dow=%%A&set MM=%%B&set DD=%%C&set YYYY=%%D) tag C:\Audio\Tagged\*.mp3 --artist "KUOW Public Radio" --year %YYYY% --genre "News" --title "My Title" --comment "This is a test comment" --fromfile mp3tags.txt
Here are the contents of the external flat file (mp3tags.txt)
--artist "Company Name Here"
--title "My Title"
--year "2006"
--genre "Genre Test"
--comment "This is a test comment"
The reason I'm asking is because if you try and verify tags on a Windows XP machine that also has dbpowerAMP installed you can't see the genre tag at all. So I tested the conversion of the .wav to .mp3 and auto tagging on another machine that doesn't have dbpowerAMP. But witout this tool how do I verify that the genre tag was in fact put in?