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Is this ffmpeg frontend only ?

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  • Fred Alba

    • Apr 2020
    • 2

    Is this ffmpeg frontend only ?

    I bought music converter and it looks nice.
    I also need video converter.

    I already have Handbrake but I am looking for something easier.

    I opened the DBpowerAmp program directory and saw it uses ffmpeg for video conversions. So my question is this just a new interface to ffmpeg or does this offer something more than other ffmpeg interfaces ?

    I was wondering. Ffmpeg is free. Why dbpoweramp is not free if it uses ffmpeg for conversions ?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44809

    Re: Is this ffmpeg frontend only ?

    dBpoweramp uses ffmpeg internally for many of the conversions, however the power of Video Converter is not the conversions, it is all the tools which dBpoweramp bring to conversions. Imagine how useful Music Converter would be if to rip CDs you had to type a command line, or to convert files, it would not.

    90% of dBpoweramp is not the conversion codecs.

