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Either syncing everything or nothing (source filtering not working)

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  • Oblique

    • Jul 2019
    • 25

    Either syncing everything or nothing (source filtering not working)


    Discovered this software a few hours ago and I've playing around with it. The general idea of the software really speaks to me. I've been wanting and trying what this software does (or at least claims to do) for years now. So I was very exited to try it out. If it works out the way I want I'm definitely buying it, but I'm running into some problems...

    It's either syncing everything or nothing. To be fair, the run it didn't sync anything was when I had everything unchecked in at least one tab in Source Filtering. So I assume at least one box has to be checked in every tab for it to sync anything, is that correct?

    The only thing I really want is to sync songs/tracks only with a rating of 4 or 5. But when I check the boxes for those ratings it syncs everything although it even seems that it syncs everything except the ones with a rating of 4 or 5. I'm far from finished rating all the tracks in my collection, but I want and assumed (that) it wouldn't sync tracks that haven't been rated yet.

    Also, the cancel button doesn't work. It switches to 'Canceling...', but it doesn't stop. The only thing I can do is tap 'REMOVE PAIRING' in the Android Foobar app on my phone, but that also deletes the entire 'profile' if you understand what I mean.

    So... I hope you guys can help me out to fix this!

    Thanks in advance
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44847

    Re: Either syncing everything or nothing (source filtering not working)

    You should click 'Exclude All' on the rating page, then check only 4 and 5 star.


    • Oblique

      • Jul 2019
      • 25

      Re: Either syncing everything or nothing (source filtering not working)

      I understand, but that doesn't work. It still copies everything without a rating as well. And in previous examinations it didn't copy the ones with the ratings I checked.
      So it basically does the opposite of what you think it should do...


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44847

        Re: Either syncing everything or nothing (source filtering not working)

        Will mark as a bug to look at next time in that area.


        • Oblique

          • Jul 2019
          • 25

          Re: Either syncing everything or nothing (source filtering not working)

          I checked the log, but nothing useful is showing up I think. Any additional info I could provide to help? I use the %RATING% tag, but I also use an additional tag %RATING2% for my layout in Foobar. Some weird numbers are also appearing in the 'Rating' tab in the software. Don't know if that matters or not...


          • Oblique

            • Jul 2019
            • 25

            Re: Either syncing everything or nothing (source filtering not working)

            I found a work-around. I just tagged every track that didn't have a rating yet as '1'. That way they don't get synced when I check the ratings for 4 and 5 to only sync.


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44847

              Re: Either syncing everything or nothing (source filtering not working)

              Try R1.3 which is in the testing section of this forum.


              • Oblique

                • Jul 2019
                • 25

                Re: Either syncing everything or nothing (source filtering not working)

                What's the status on this 'bug'? Because I really want to buy, but this is a crucial feature for me. I keep getting music synced which hasn't had a rating defined yet and it's getting cluttered/confusing if you know what I mean.

                edit: I just noticed that your last reply wasn't from last summer. Do you still recommend that R1.3 release to see if it's fixed?
                Last edited by Oblique; May 25, 2020, 01:42 PM.


                • Spoon
                  • Apr 2002
                  • 44847

                  Re: Either syncing everything or nothing (source filtering not working)

                  Yes it should be fixed.


                  • Oblique

                    • Jul 2019
                    • 25

                    Re: Either syncing everything or nothing (source filtering not working)

                    Originally posted by Spoon
                    Yes it should be fixed.
                    I'll try out the R1.3 version out tomorrow since it requires a reboot.
                    Last edited by Oblique; May 25, 2020, 07:38 PM.

