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Is there a way to edit a field using the keyboard without erasing what was in it?

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  • slamphear

    • Aug 2022
    • 4

    Is there a way to edit a field using the keyboard without erasing what was in it?

    Sorry for the awkwardly-phrase title; I ran up against the character limit.

    Anyway, I have a bunch of files that are tagged with details I would rather omit. Here's a screenshot for reference:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	PerfectTUNES Screenshot.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	113.9 KB
ID:	297750

    Notice the [3] after "Little Willie Leaps" in the highlighted field. I want to delete that without deleting the rest of the filename. In any other piece of macOS software (including dBpoweramp Music Converted, when I'm ripping CDs), I can use the arrow keys to go to the end of the selected text, then just hit backspace a few times. However, if I use the right arrow when I have this text selected, it just takes me to the next field over. Every other piece of software I've ever used would use tab to move to the next field, and tab does indeed work here, but the fact that the arrows are duplicating the tab functionality means that I can't figure out how to edit this text without reaching away from the keyboard to move the mouse and click inside the already-selected field.

    The only workaround I've found so far is to copy and paste (using the keyboard shortcuts) inside the field, which then allows the arrows to behave as expected. However, this clears out what was in my clipboard, which is very frustrating when I'm trying to paste something into a bunch of fields, for example.

    Basically, I'm wondering if there's a way to use the arrow keys to navigate inside the selected text, and just use tab/shift-tab along with the up/down arrows when I want to navigate between all the fields.

    Alternatively, if this has not been changed because users might have arrow-key navigation in their muscle memory, could we perhaps have a modifier key attached to the "normal" arrow behavior (i.e. starting from the screenshot above, the right arrow key navigates to the next field, but command+right arrow would put the cursor at the end of the selected text)?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44847

    Re: Is there a way to edit a field using the keyboard without erasing what was in it?

    If you click again in the box after editing has started, does it unselect all the highlighted?


    • slamphear

      • Aug 2022
      • 4

      Re: Is there a way to edit a field using the keyboard without erasing what was in it?

      Yes, it does. Basically I&*8217;m looking for a keyboard shortcut that accomplishes the same thing as clicking in the field. In every similar piece of software on macOS (e.g. Finder), the right or left arrows would do this.
      Last edited by slamphear; August 07, 2022, 08:59 PM.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44847

        Re: Is there a way to edit a field using the keyboard without erasing what was in it?

        Home or end buttons should unselect the highlight, but not all keyboards have it, although it can be triggered by:

        Most new Mac keyboards are fairly simplified when compared to their PC counterparts, and you’ll find that some of the extraneous keys like “Home” and “End” are nowhere…


        • slamphear

          • Aug 2022
          • 4

          Re: Is there a way to edit a field using the keyboard without erasing what was in it?

          Thank you for your replies! Unfortunately, I had tried the home/end keys too (both before I wrote the ticket, and now again after your suggestion) and nothing happens when I press them. I'm using an Apple Magic Keyboard 2, which has proper home/end keys (though I also tried with fn+right/left arrows, which also didn't work). Are you able to do this on a Mac? I'm wondering if perhaps it's working on Windows but not on macOS


          • PeterP
            Super Moderator
            • Jul 2011
            • 1498

            Re: Is there a way to edit a field using the keyboard without erasing what was in it?

            Thanks for pointing this out, it's indeed annoying.
            Fixed in R3.2 beta 5-
            Current version: beta 9 Download: Changes since R3.1: Greatly improved keyboard accessibility of the whole application. Various visual updates, made various tables/lists more consistent with Mac UI conventions, replaced in-table buttons with plus minus buttons next to the table.


            • slamphear

              • Aug 2022
              • 4

              Re: Is there a way to edit a field using the keyboard without erasing what was in it?

              WOW! Absolutely incredible turnaround here, and it's working brilliantly. I'm now blazing through these tag updates I had been slowly working my way through before. Thank you SO MUCH for this. I'm in shock from the amazing response time here. &*55357;&*56834;

