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Perfecttunes showing all tracks as duplicates

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  • R J Thorpe

    • Apr 2019
    • 18

    Perfecttunes showing all tracks as duplicates

    I have a two disc Synology NAS drive and I read it using an app from Cambridge Audio called StreamMagic.

    I have found that I have two albums with duplicate tracks on them (all written by dbpoweramp).
    Ah-ha, thought I, I can run perfecttunes to eliminate them. Which I did, but unfortunately every track was marked as a duplicate including the two erroneous albums which should have shown as being doubled up.
    Is there a solution to this problem?
    I use a Mac.
    Last edited by R J Thorpe; April 05, 2021, 10:47 AM.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44853

    Re: Perfecttunes showing all tracks as duplicates

    Look at the library location in perfect tunes, you should only be scanning one location, the nas


    • R J Thorpe

      • Apr 2019
      • 18

      Re: Perfecttunes showing all tracks as duplicates

      Originally posted by Spoon
      Look at the library location in perfect tunes, you should only be scanning one location, the nas
      I'm not sure I understand. The two disc NAS drive I have functions as a self-contained backup i.e. one contains an automatic copy of the other, in case of a head crash on one of them. How can I point Perfecttunes to just the one?
      Thanks for your help.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44853

        Re: Perfecttunes showing all tracks as duplicates

        The main control center, where it says 'Music Library' you should just have 1 location set, if 2 delete the 2nd.


        • paulch

          • Mar 2021
          • 32

          Re: Perfecttunes showing all tracks as duplicates

          Originally posted by R J Thorpe
          I'm not sure I understand. The two disc NAS drive I have functions as a self-contained backup i.e. one contains an automatic copy of the other, in case of a head crash on one of them.
          I'm a relatively new user of a Synology NAS with 2 discs (also using StreamMagic). I'm assuming that with your 2 discs (if they are the same size) you have the NAS configured as RAID 1, so really you just see the one disc where you store your data, music etc and the NAS automatically writes everything to both discs. You only have access to a single copy of everything.

          After ripping all my CDs I had a few instances of duplicate tracks in an album, probably where I had re-ripped in a different CD-drive without overwriting the tracks that were ripped previously. I just deleted them manually from the NAS.


          • R J Thorpe

            • Apr 2019
            • 18

            Re: Perfecttunes showing all tracks as duplicates

            Thanks for your help. I find that Synology doesn't find the duplicates but StreamMagic does! So I can't delete them. PerfectTunes only displays the one volume but still seems as if it is picking up both.


            • R J Thorpe

              • Apr 2019
              • 18

              Re: Perfecttunes showing all tracks as duplicates

              Yes it displays 1 location.


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44853

                Re: Perfecttunes showing all tracks as duplicates

                If you run De-Dupe then for one of the duplicates:

                Click the 'i' button and type here the 'File' 'Folder' and 'Type' shown for each of the 2 matching duplicates.


                • R J Thorpe

                  • Apr 2019
                  • 18

                  Re: Perfecttunes showing all tracks as duplicates

                  What should the &*8216;Music Library&*8217; contain as the location?


                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44853

                    Re: Perfecttunes showing all tracks as duplicates

                    It should be the root folder that contains your music on the Nas.


                    • R J Thorpe

                      • Apr 2019
                      • 18

                      Re: Perfecttunes showing all tracks as duplicates

                      I tried the root folder and yes, thank you, it worked. But it missed some of them. Principally those in a double album of piano concerti. It only flagged one movement. And five other movements it missed.
                      Would it be possible to expand the instructions under the heading Music Library to indicate it should be the root folder which should be placed there? That would help ignoramuses like me. Thank you.

