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Bug in Perfect Tunes v3.3 accuraterip reporting?

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  • egd

    • Jul 2008
    • 46

    Bug in Perfect Tunes v3.3 accuraterip reporting?

    Longtime dbpoweramp user, decided to try Perfect Tunes to check aspects of my library and think I've found a bug in its results reporting.

    Pointed it to a network folder tree containing a series of folders (each representing an album) and let it do its thing.

    For a few albums there are known issues in that they had digital attenuation applied and are thus no longer the same underlying audio as the original rip, and should therefore fail. Each of those albums were reported as albums PerfectTunes cannot check on account of a differing track length than the CD original. I'd have thought the attenuation would result in the accuraterip failing due to there not being other rips with the same checksum rather than different length. Is it likely digital attenuation would alter the track length, or is the error reporting perhaps not sufficiently granular?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44851

    Re: Bug in Perfect Tunes v3.3 accuraterip reporting?

    If the attenuation used digital filters such as FFT, then yes the number of samples might have changed, it has to be correct down to the sample and the check is very simple, the total number of samples are divided by 5xx (xx because I not remember the number exactly), and if not completely divisible then it is not off the CD.


    • egd

      • Jul 2008
      • 46

      Re: Bug in Perfect Tunes v3.3 accuraterip reporting?

      Thanks for the speedy response, good to know as it helps me filter results.

      As an enhancement request it'd be useful to be able to sort the results view by reason for failure e.g. "Cannot Check: Track Different Length Than CD Original", "Cannot Check: Not CD Lossless Quality" (this is what I get for HR files) etc. and to be able to export the summarised list at album level in addition to the existing full track listing by album export.

