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PerfectTunes Album Art R3.3 (Windows) dsiplays inaccurate resolution after selected

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  • msw141

    • Jan 2018
    • 15

    PerfectTunes Album Art R3.3 (Windows) dsiplays inaccurate resolution after selected

    New to R3.3 if I choose to import an album cover from the choices that is accurately listed as 1000x998, when it embeds that art the album browser panel will show the artwork as 1000x1000. If you check the actual folder.jpg that was created, it will be 1000x998 and also the artwork embedded in the file shows 1000x998 so there was not any resizing to explain it. This appears to happen for any sized art, not just those that are nearly square. I tagged something that was 1280x720 and it is showing now as 1280x1280 even though it is still 1280x720.

    It was not like this in R3.2 and additionally one of the fixes you made before was that album art would sort based on total resolution, so that is going to be affected also. That change to how it sorted was helpful to make sure anything less than 500x500 in either dimension would sort lower/higher on the list rather than only sorting on the x dimension which would then subsort all albums with cover art 500x? by album title or artist which would mix the true dimensions up.

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44853

    Re: PerfectTunes Album Art R3.3 (Windows) dsiplays inaccurate resolution after select


