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Number of albums detected

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  • PSH

    • Mar 2015
    • 39

    Number of albums detected

    I have a library of 4605 CD albums which have been successfully ripped and tagged by dBpoweramp over the years.
    The number 4605 is what Asset tells me.
    I am planning to use PerfectTunes / AlbumArt to improve said art. However, when I use PerfectTunes to scan the same 10 directories that Asset is connected to, it tells me that there are only 3638 albums.
    Any hints about this discrepancy gratefully received.
  • mville
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Dec 2008
    • 4025

    Re: Number of albums detected

    We would need more info on how your 4605 albums were ripped/tagged.

    Are any of your 4605 albums multi-cd albums and if so, how are you handling the multi-cd albums in terms of folder handling and the Album tag?

    How have you configured PerfectTUNES AccurateRip Settings > Options?


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44851

      Re: Number of albums detected

      It sounds like some of the folders are not being scanned, if there are 10 separate folders, perhaps try to locate one album which is in each main folder.


      • mville
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Dec 2008
        • 4025

        Re: Number of albums detected

        Remember also, that Asset reports Albums based on tags and PerfectTUNES, whilst it may state Total Albums, is in fact reporting Total Discs.

        Example: for The Clash - London Calling (2013 Remaster), I see 1 album in Asset, but PerfectTUNES AccurateRip reports 2 Total Albums as this album is a 2CD set.

        Having said that, something isn't correct here as I would expect the PerfectTUNES total to be equal to or greater than the Asset total.
        Last edited by mville; December 04, 2019, 04:15 PM. Reason: added example


        • PSH

          • Mar 2015
          • 39

          Re: Number of albums detected

          Thanks to you both for quick replies - makes for a great forum!
          Regarding your suggestion Spoon, the 10 folders were scanned separately.
          Regarding your first comment mville, for multi-cd albums each disc gets a separate folder (with Disc 1, Disc 2 etc appended to the Album name) which is then reflected in the Album tag.
          Your second comment got me thinking as I hadn't realised that the AccurateRip settings played across to AlbumArt in the PerfectTUNES wrapper. In fact I can't find any AccurateRip settings in PerfectTunes. Guidance would be greatly appreciated.


          • PSH

            • Mar 2015
            • 39

            Re: Number of albums detected

            OK - so I've found the settings (spanner) associated with each of the four components (Album Art, ID Tags, De-Dup and AccurateRip) that make up PerfectTUNES.
            I've had a look at the settings for all four components and there is nothing there that stands out as related to the album count discrepancy.
            There is one item however in AccurateRip that I can't work out - "Album Matching Grouped by Folder". Is there any chance this might have something to do with it?......even though it is in AccurateRip rather than Album Art.


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44851

              Re: Number of albums detected

              It should be unchecked, otherwise if you have 2 albums in a folder they will appear as one to AccurateRip.


              • PSH

                • Mar 2015
                • 39

                Re: Number of albums detected

                Thanks........although does this setting in AccurateRip transfer across to AlbumArt?
                Anyway, I think I have worked out what is going on - Multiple disc albums are merged even if the folder and tag have Disc 1, Disc 2 etc in their titles. This appears to be a hard wired option whereas in Asset there are different ways in which multi-disc albums are treated.
                Case closed now that I know what is going on. Thanks for your help.


                • Spoon
                  • Apr 2002
                  • 44851

                  Re: Number of albums detected

                  No album art does not use this setting.

