Would it be possible to have Album Art in Perfect Tunes, when using the sort resolution by low-to-high option, sort by total resolution, rather than just the first value?
For example, a sorted list might currently be:
In a long list, I think it is sorting everything by the first value and then for all albums with the same first value it is being sorted by artist. If I am trying to maintain a minimum resolution of 500x500, what will happen is I will have a bunch of 500x500 albums at the top of a list sorted low-to-high, however if you scroll far enough you find artwork that is below that but listed lower because of that sorting rule.
The alternative would be if its possible to sort based on the product of those two values so that 500x490 (245,000) sorts before 500x500 (250,000).
For example, a sorted list might currently be:
In a long list, I think it is sorting everything by the first value and then for all albums with the same first value it is being sorted by artist. If I am trying to maintain a minimum resolution of 500x500, what will happen is I will have a bunch of 500x500 albums at the top of a list sorted low-to-high, however if you scroll far enough you find artwork that is below that but listed lower because of that sorting rule.
The alternative would be if its possible to sort based on the product of those two values so that 500x490 (245,000) sorts before 500x500 (250,000).