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Filter DeDup to Leave Latest Rip?

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  • RFtech53

    • Apr 2018
    • 2

    Filter DeDup to Leave Latest Rip?

    I'm a new user of dBPowerAmp and PerfectTunes.

    A bit of background ... I recently moved my My Music folder to a new computer. Unfortunately, I didn't realize until it was too late that the folders came over, but for some reason, most of the files within the folders didn't. I tried moving music from my iPod's to my computer using One Touch Copy. That worked well, but I don't have nearly as many files on my iPods as I used to on my old computer. I'd still lost a lot of my ripped music.

    I've decided to delete my entire iTunes folder (which by default resides within the Users/Music folder, just to save headaches when looking at files.

    That leaves just My Music folder. I'm re-ripping my entire CD collection because I feel dBPowerAmp's ripper does a better job than iTunes did. That's a lot of time invested to rip about 500 CD's. That leaves a lot of duplicate files in the My Music folder, because most every CD I rip has an old version from the original rips that were on my iPods.

    Sorry for the long winded post. My question is ... is there a way to set up DeDup so that it would show me the files that dBPowerAmp has ripped, so that when I delete duplicates, I only leave the latest ripped albums or files that I ripped with dBPowerAmp?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44840

    Re: Filter DeDup to Leave Latest Rip?

    One way is to rip to a different lossless format. Which format is the existing audio in?

