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Editing track "title" and "artist" metadata doesn't edit the file name too?

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  • RecklessMission
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Jan 2018
    • 62

    Editing track "title" and "artist" metadata doesn't edit the file name too?

    Just ripped over a dozen DJ mix CDs with 20 or more tracks apiece and I knew a lot of the tracks and artists were wrong, but ripped anyway with the intention of fixing the metadata later, manually, with PerfectTUNES. I did that, but just noticed the file names didn't update too!

    Shouldn't editing metadata also automatically update the file names? Am I missing a setting or function? Is there a way to update the file names to match the metadata?

    If not, do I have to update all the file names manually. I already spent hours fixing metadata and now I have to spend many more hours fixing the actual file names too? I'm pretty annoyed about this. Tell me there's an easier way to do this.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44853

    Re: Editing track "title" and "artist" metadata doesn't edit the file name too?

    There is no way the program can guess what the naming string was for the filename, you might have something simple like [artist] - [title] but the program cannot guess this (when you factor in all the characters which also have to be changed to store legal filenames).
    If you have dBpoweramp, there is a utility codec called 'arrange audio' which can rename all audio tracks.

