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Accurate Rip Fails on Multi Disk sets if ripped with offset track numbers

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  • musicripper

    • Jan 2018
    • 3

    Accurate Rip Fails on Multi Disk sets if ripped with offset track numbers

    I'm going nuts.
    I'm trying to use Accurate rip to see what albums I need to rerip with DB poweramp.
    With multi disk sets, if disk 1 ends on track 5, I make track 1 of disk 2 track 6.

    It appears that Accurate doesn't get this (even if it has the Disc 2/2 tag for the 2nd disk).

    After a few days, it's clear that even a freshly ripped CD that is accurate (according to Accurate rip, is not found that way with Pefect Tunes.

    Is there a way to make this work, or am I just going to have to rerip every CD I own if I want to be certain?
  • Dat Ei
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Feb 2014
    • 1812

    Re: Accurate Rip Fails on Multi Disk sets if ripped with offset track numbers

    Hey musicripper,

    Originally posted by musicripper
    I'm trying to use Accurate rip to see what albums I need to rerip with DB poweramp.
    you use PerfectTunes(!) to verify if you have to rerip Albums or tracks. PerfectTunes compares the checksums of your rips vs. the checksums in the AccurateRip database.

    Originally posted by musicripper
    With multi disk sets, if disk 1 ends on track 5, I make track 1 of disk 2 track 6.

    It appears that Accurate doesn't get this (even if it has the Disc 2/2 tag for the 2nd disk).
    This way you are misleading PerfectTunes. The CD (AccurateRipDiscID), the disc number and the track number are the keys for the comparison. If you edit the track number, PerfectTunes will use this new track number to find the corresponding checksum in the AccurateRip database. And because there is no other track number Perfect tunes has no other chance.

    Originally posted by musicripper
    After a few days, it's clear that even a freshly ripped CD that is accurate (according to Accurate rip, is not found that way with Pefect Tunes.

    Is there a way to make this work, or am I just going to have to rerip every CD I own if I want to be certain?
    That is a different story! When you rip your CD, CD Ripper still knows in that Moment, that track number *1 is track number *1, even if you use a offset. So CD Ripper can compare the checksum of track *1 with AccurateRips track *1.

    You don't have to rerip, but to renumber your files of multidisc sets. You better use the right disc number and the right track number corresponding to that disc number (starting with 1).

    Dat Ei


    • musicripper

      • Jan 2018
      • 3

      Re: Accurate Rip Fails on Multi Disk sets if ripped with offset track numbers

      Originally posted by Dat Ei
      Hey musicripper,

      you use PerfectTunes(!) to verify if you have to rerip Albums or tracks. PerfectTunes compares the checksums of your rips vs. the checksums in the AccurateRip database.

      This way you are misleading PerfectTunes. The CD (AccurateRipDiscID), the disc number and the track number are the keys for the comparison. If you edit the track number, PerfectTunes will use this new track number to find the corresponding checksum in the AccurateRip database. And because there is no other track number Perfect tunes has no other chance.

      That is a different story! When you rip your CD, CD Ripper still knows in that Moment, that track number *1 is track number *1, even if you use a offset. So CD Ripper can compare the checksum of track *1 with AccurateRips track *1.

      You don't have to rerip, but to renumber your files of multidisc sets. You better use the right disc number and the right track number corresponding to that disc number (starting with 1).

      Dat Ei
      I'd have thought that the program would look at Disk 2 starting at track 1 and if that fails, use disk 1's last track number + 1. For me, I just don't see the point of having, for example, Disk 2 of the wall start at track 1. No biggie now. I've gotten through the folder with albums that are ripped with DB Poweramp (as well as some without it and in some cases with EAC).

      From now on, it's all stuff from 2004 and most of those, I'm sure will come up with errors, so it's somewhat more useful now, since I can skip the 10-20% of albums that are OK. :D


      • Dat Ei
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Feb 2014
        • 1812

        Re: Accurate Rip Fails on Multi Disk sets if ripped with offset track numbers

        Hey musicripper,

        Originally posted by musicripper
        I'd have thought that the program would look at Disk 2 starting at track 1 and if that fails, use disk 1's last track number + 1.
        How could you tell missing tracks from "wrongly" numbered tracks?

        Originally posted by musicripper
        For me, I just don't see the point of having, for example, Disk 2 of the wall start at track 1.
        Is it the first track of the second disc or not? If you name your tracks like "disk number - track number xyz..." and put all files in one folder, a player software can replay your album continously and you can see the original structure of the album at a glance.

        Originally posted by musicripper
        No biggie now.
        That's fine! But can you explain to me why you number the tracks continously beyond the CD borders? I don't see the advantages right now.

        Dat Ei


        • garym
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Nov 2007
          • 5940

          Re: Accurate Rip Fails on Multi Disk sets if ripped with offset track numbers

          Originally posted by Dat Ei
          Is it the first track of the second disc or not? If you name your tracks like "disk number - track number xyz..." and put all files in one folder, a player software can replay your album continously and you can see the original structure of the album at a glance.
          Or even if the files are not in one folder, but instead, ALBUM NAME/Disc 1/...., ALBUM NAME/Disc 2/...., etc. My players will play such albums straight through in correct order

