I feel sure this is already explained somewhere but I have not been able to find it. What is the proper way to organize and tag songs in a compilation so that PerfectTunes AlbumArt recognizes the compilation and presents only a single entry in the list of "Albums Without Art". I have quite a few compilations that are working as I expect. However, I also have several that are appearing as individual songs in the list. The folder structure is "Various Artists"/<album name>/<songs>. I have used ID Tags to mark Compilation as Yes. The metadata is similar to cases that are working as expected.
Album art for compilations
Well now that I understand, this turns into a major "duh". Most of the compilations that were "working as I expect" weren't working as I expect. Just in case this helps anyone equally ignorant or unobservant: the key is indeed the albumartist tag, which is presented in the PerfectTunes tools as "Album Artist". Set albumartist to a consistent value such as "Various Artists" and (if you want) set Artist to the actual artist for the song. My music collection is a melange, which is a nice way of saying "horrible mess", of different sources including downloads from numerous services and CD rips using different tools over the years, so tag consistency is nonexistent. I look forward(?) to fixing it now.Comment