Aha. I didn't think so. In that case, the tags above look fine, but they need to use [audio arrange] to change the file names in a batch manner with that naming string. But replace all the backslashes with forward slashes in the naming string.
p.s. My confusion earlier about the %year% tag showing up in your file name was a mistake. You mentioned seeing year in the name, but of course that is because 'year' is in the *album* name.
How do I save my edits in PerfectTunes
Just noticed it was a different person, Garym, who' requested the naming string. It was posted earlier by Spoon. The below is what Spoon suggested I use and above is the output from PerfectTunes ID where Track is included.
[MAXLENGTH]80,[IFVALUE]album artist,[album artist],[IFCOMP]Various Artists[][IF!COMP][artist][][][]\[MAXLENGTH]80,[album][][IFMULTI], Disc [disc][]\[MAXLENGTH]80,[track] [artist] - [title][]
1. The naming string has backslashes for creating folders and subfolders. For CD ripper and converter, backslashes only work for WINDOWS versions of dbpoweramp. For Mac machines one uses forward slashes instead. So try that.
2. Ignoring the backslash issue for a moment, if the naming string worked, for the album "Weekend of Jazz 2014" track number 5, the actual file name generated by that naming string should be:
Various Artists (a folder)
.........Weekend of Jazz 2014 (a subfolder)
.............05 Chuck Loeb - Silver Lining
The metadata tag information looks correct. But the filename: Various Artists 201405ChuckLoeb... is wrong. I suspect this is because of my point #1 above. You are not getting separate folders for Various Artists, and the album name. Instead it is all treated as one name in a single folder.
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Just noticed it was a different person, Garym, who' requested the naming string. It was posted earlier by Spoon. The below is what Spoon suggested I use and above is the output from PerfectTunes ID where Track is included.
[MAXLENGTH]80,[IFVALUE]album artist,[album artist],[IFCOMP]Various Artists[][IF!COMP][artist][][][]\[MAXLENGTH]80,[album][][IFMULTI], Disc [disc][]\[MAXLENGTH]80,[track] [artist] - [title][]Leave a comment:
By naming string do you mean via PerfectTunes ID Tags? If so, here is the screenshot showing PerfectTunes ID and Finder showing the labels after converting using the coding you supplied in post #8 above.
BTW, thanks for being so patient with me in getting this figured out.
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year is not even in the naming string listed earlier. Please paste your entire naming string in a response message. thanks.Leave a comment:
The track number is appended to the end of the year as shown above as 201401. How do I correct this?
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My work flow has arrived at the following. This is based on alum already ripped as WAV with no to very little ID tags. 1) I import them into PerfecctTune ID and make all ID additions at this time (I'm adding track number but it does not seem to carry through on the Convert). 2) I then use Batch Converter (I have found you can use Converter, you just have to select all the files) and convert them but they are kept as WAV files, only now they have ID Tags. It seems to work. The file names are all the information run together such as "Various AritistsWeekend of Jazz 201401 Dave Koz - You Make Me Smile_.WAV " but the EverSolo A8 software seems able to sort it all out. Make comments if there is anything to add to this workflow.Leave a comment:
[track] in the naming string should write the track number to the file name. Are you sure that the metadata of the file has a track number. If it doesn't then [track] won't write anything in the naming of the file.Leave a comment:
Got it to work. One small detail, the track number is not showing up. Do I do something wrong in the conversion? Please give me a direction to look for what I left out.
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Once all the files are tagged, you can then convert the whole collection in Batch Convert to:
[Arrange Audio]
Set the naming to match our CD Rippers:
[MAXLENGTH]80,[IFVALUE]album artist,[album artist],[IFCOMP]Various Artists[][IF!COMP][artist][][][]\[MAXLENGTH]80,[album][][IFMULTI], Disc [disc][]\[MAXLENGTH]80,[track] [artist] - [title][]
and choose the same root path, the filenames will be renamed from the ID TagsLeave a comment:
I converted and saved to another subdirectory as outlined. Now what do I do with it? Take it back into PerfectTunes ID and add tags? I tried that and I still get Unknown Track.FLAC in Finder. I tried copying this subdirectory to my A8 to see if it will see the tags and it keeps coming up with error -50 keeping me from copying this set of files to the SSD in my A8. I tried copying to other storage media connected to my computer with the same problem. Not sure what is going on here.Leave a comment:
Yes you can use dBpoweramp for that task, choose Batch Converter, put a check mark in the root folder then click Convert.
On the options page, choose FLAC, and for naming click the arrow and choose 'Preserve Source Path' then choose a new location where the files will be saved, not in the same location as the existing ones, such as /Documents/Music2/ (create a new folder) then convertLeave a comment:
Ok, then this is the main thing I had planned on using PerfectTUNES for. My EverSolo A8 does not recognize the WAV files with the tags encoded, just tried it. So help me out here. To get these files to where the A8 will recognize the files as the names I want them to be is the task. Is the way to do this is to use Music Converter to convert them to FLAC then use PerfectTUNES to add ID tags that would be recognized by my player, the EverSolo A8? Or re-rip them using dBpoweramp and add tags at that point in time. The CD is a compilation that is not recognized as a CD in any CD database. Having them as Unknown Track is not a solution.
I have many more CDs that appear to be difficult to find in databases. I am just starting using this CD so I can figure out how to go forward. A lot of CDs were ripped by a Naim UNITISERVE SSD that ripped in WAV format with little data encoded. I am moving my music library to the EverSolo A8 in the least painful way possible.Last edited by BlueMarkT; September 04, 2024, 12:24 AM.Leave a comment:
No that is the filename, not the ID tags, ID tags are embedded within the file, and are read by the player.
Not many players can read tags from Wave files, you are better with Apple Lossless, or FLACLeave a comment:
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