So I ran DeDup on my dirty library and I had almost 18,000 duplicates.
* Some are poorly matched
* There is no batch decisions
* I bought the app to save time, I don't have 8 hours to DeDup my library
* There should be statistics to help with decisions
* A undo feature if you accidentally click wrong delete button
* Needs sorting, batch deleting by quality, etc.
* Some are poorly matched
* There is no batch decisions
* For example, if 99% matching, delete lower quality file
* I must manually delete 18,000 duplicates?* I bought the app to save time, I don't have 8 hours to DeDup my library
* There should be statistics to help with decisions
* For example, auto delete with 80% accuracy => saves 22 GB, library from 40k tracks to 28k tracks
* A preview feature for batch deletes* A undo feature if you accidentally click wrong delete button
* Needs sorting, batch deleting by quality, etc.