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How Long ?

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  • paul_riordan

    • Jan 2009
    • 18

    How Long ?

    I kicked off the AccurateRip check early yesterday morning. It was predicting a finish time around 8am this morning. It is now nearly 2pm! The first part completed at around 9:30am and it is now "Checking with AccurateRip". Does anyone know what the throughput is of the checking process? The completion bar shows it as 100% complete but it is still running (and showing album covers on the screen). They do not appear to be in any particular order, so I am not able to use that as an indicator. The total number of files being checked is around 58,000.


  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44853

    Re: How Long ?

    58,000 is quite a collection, it could take many hours to process.


    • paul_riordan

      • Jan 2009
      • 18

      Re: How Long ?

      Originally posted by Spoon
      58,000 is quite a collection, it could take many hours to process.
      It finished about an hour ago, so that is about 31 hours in total. Now all I need to do is work through the lists... Is there anywhere I can find the meanings in each of the lists?




      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44853

        Re: How Long ?

        There should only be 4 possibilities, Accurate, InAccurate, Cannot Check Because and Not Present in AccurateRip.


        • paul_riordan

          • Jan 2009
          • 18

          Re: How Long ?

          Originally posted by Spoon
          There should only be 4 possibilities, Accurate, InAccurate, Cannot Check Because and Not Present in AccurateRip.
          Hi Spoon

          I have a number of errors/statements from the process, for example:
          Under the not in accuraterip category I get:

          Bonobo - It Came From The Sea [AccurateRip DiscIDs: 020-0025605D-0242F509-EE0E3214]
          Track 1: Unable to Open File \\SERVER01\Music\Lossless\flac\B\Bonobo\It Came From The Sea\01 - Bonobo - Solid Steel Intro.flac
          Track 2: Unable to Open File \\SERVER01\Music\Lossless\flac\B\Bonobo\It Came From The Sea\02 - Diesler - Sandcastles.flac

          I have literally thousands of files marked in this way!!

          Also there are many files/albums that I would have expected to be in Accuraterip for example but they are in the "not in AccurateRip" log file:

          U2 - How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb [AccurateRip DiscIDs: 012-00177d77-00dcff6b-c30c610c]
          \\SERVER01\Music\Lossless\flac\U\U2\How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb\01 - Vertigo.flac
          \\SERVER01\Music\Lossless\flac\U\U2\How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb\02 - Miracle Drug.flac

          The whole file for this category is huge - over 7mb.

          Under the ripping errors category I get the following:

          Various - Long Way Down, Disc 1 [AccurateRip DiscIDs: 014-00207D06-015FEEEF-A40F0F0E]
          Track 9: Cannot Check: Not CD Quality \\SERVER01\Music\Lossless\flac\V\Various\Long Way Down, Disc 1\09 Spaccanapoli - O'Mare.flac
          Track 14: Cannot Check: Not CD Quality \\SERVER01\Music\Lossless\flac\V\Various\Long Way Down, Disc 1\14 Spaccanapoli - Santa Notte.flac

          This disc was ripped using dBpoweramp and has the accuraterip tags included.

          I also get files marked as corrupt, despite the fact that they were ripped using dbpoweramp in the last few weeks:

          \\SERVER01\Music\Lossless\Elaine\REM\The R.E.M. Collection (Disc 2; Michael Stipe Presents)\06 Flash to Bang Time - H the President (Live).flac
          \\SERVER01\Music\Lossless\Elaine\The Housemartins\The Best of the Housemartins\The Housemartins - 02 - Five Get Over Excited.flac

          Amy suggestions?




          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44853

            Re: How Long ?

            Try R1.5 from the testing section, it has new code to help read files over a network share.


            • paul_riordan

              • Jan 2009
              • 18

              Re: How Long ?

              Originally posted by Spoon
              Try R1.5 from the testing section, it has new code to help read files over a network share.
              Hi Spoon

              Thanks for the update. I'll give it a go over the weekend.



              • paul_riordan

                • Jan 2009
                • 18

                Re: How Long ?

                Hi Spoon

                I installed v1.5 over the weekend and ran it against my collection, it took a bit less time but not a huge amount less. I am now starting to look at the logs. The basic output was:

                331 Tracks Corrupted
                43 Albums With Ripping Errors
                750 Albums Accurately Ripped
                1286 Albums Not Present in AccurateRip
                998 Albums Cannot Check
                5156 Total Albums

                The numbers don't quite add up for me! If you add albums with ripping errors, albums accurately ripped, albums not present in accuraterip and albums cannot check it comes to 3077, therefore over 2000 albums are not accounted for.

                I'm not really sure what Tracks Corrupted really means and I am surprised to see quite a number of tracks in there that were ripped/encoded using dbpoweramp.

                Some of the "Albums Not Present in AccurateRip" seem slightly surprising. For example:

                AIR - 10,000 Hz Legend [AccurateRip DiscIDs: 011-0018a33b-00d70186-960e380b]
                Basement Jaxx - Crazy Itch Radio [AccurateRip DiscIDs: 014-001729fc-00fec82a-c00bfd0e]
                Björk - Debut [AccurateRip DiscIDs: 012-00178a2b-00dbdc97-9b0c480c]
                Björk - Homogenic [AccurateRip DiscIDs: 010-0010e04a-00867ba5-840a360a]
                Björk - Post [AccurateRip DiscIDs: 011-00130391-00a44b03-7f0ad30b]
                Björk - Vespertine [AccurateRip DiscIDs: 012-0018b711-00e38707-a20cfe0c]

                I understand most of the "Albums Cannot Check", as they are mainly 24 bit albums but there are a number of albums which are stated as "Cannot check incomplete album":
                Various - Celebration: 25 Years of Trojan Records, Disc 2
                \\SERVER01\Music\Lossless\flac\V\Various\Celebrati on; 25 Years of Trojan Records, Disc 2\Various - Celebration 25 Years of Trojan Records, Disc 2 - 20 - Money In My Pocket.flac

                As far as I can see all tracks are in the folder, I have double checked that the number of tracks I have ripped align with the number on the cd and also double-checked online that the tracklisting is correct.

                Any suggestions?


                Last edited by paul_riordan; January 31, 2014, 09:27 AM.


                • Spoon
                  • Apr 2002
                  • 44853

                  Re: How Long ?

                  If an album has the same name (ie is disc 1 and disc 2) then you need to have the disc 2/2 in the ID Tags to separate them. Also if you had an album 'Greatest Hits' you would need an album artist set to separate it from other Greatest hits.

                  For one of your corrupted tracks, convert it with dBpoweramp >> Test Conversion, if there are errors it will say there.

                  >AIR - 10,000 Hz Legend [AccurateRip DiscIDs: 011-0018a33b-00d70186-960e380b]

                  This disc ID does not exist in AccurateRip, if the CD is a CD extra then information is missing to generate the AccurateRip disc ID, we have around 50% of the discs in the database which can be looked up based on track length (to generate this missing information).


                  • paul_riordan

                    • Jan 2009
                    • 18

                    Re: How Long ?

                    Originally posted by Spoon
                    If an album has the same name (ie is disc 1 and disc 2) then you need to have the disc 2/2 in the ID Tags to separate them. Also if you had an album 'Greatest Hits' you would need an album artist set to separate it from other Greatest hits.

                    For one of your corrupted tracks, convert it with dBpoweramp >> Test Conversion, if there are errors it will say there.

                    >AIR - 10,000 Hz Legend [AccurateRip DiscIDs: 011-0018a33b-00d70186-960e380b]

                    This disc ID does not exist in AccurateRip, if the CD is a CD extra then information is missing to generate the AccurateRip disc ID, we have around 50% of the discs in the database which can be looked up based on track length (to generate this missing information).

                    Thanks for the response.

                    I have double checked the corrupt files as described and they do come back as corrupt. I have been running pertectunes against a back up copy of my files, so I checked the original files and the corruptions are not there! It looks like I need to change my back up process, I have been using robocopy across two windows home servers. I am running the perfectunes process against the primary copy of my music to see what the result are.

                    Thanks again and I'll update this thread when it has finished, three hours to go apparently.


